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esi 论文统计



























 与此同时,专业教师由于自身的学术交叉背景,对我校esi整体排名做出重要贡献,对学校兄弟学科排名有着强力的支撑。我校(2006-2016esi highly cited papers高引论文有251篇,其中本学科的专业教师论文为79篇,学科分布如下:




















  1. zhu, q., cao, j., & rakkiyappan, r. (2015). exponential input-to-state stability of stochastic cohen–grossberg neural networks with mixed delays. nonlinear dynamics, 79(2), 1085-1098.

  2. li, n., & cao, j. (2015). new synchronization criteria for memristor-based networks: adaptive control and feedback control schemes. neural networks, 61, 1-9.

  3. rakkiyappan, r., sakthivel, n., & cao, j. (2015). stochastic sampled-data control for synchronization of complex dynamical networks with control packet loss and additive time-varying delays. neural networks, 66, 46-63.

  4. bao, h. b., & cao, j. d. (2015). projective synchronization of fractional-order memristor-based neural networks. neural networks, 63, 1-9.

  5. zhu, q., & cao, j. (2014). mean-square exponential input-to-state stability of stochastic delayed neural networks. neurocomputing, 131, 157-163.

  6. yang, x., & cao, j. (2014). hybrid adaptive and impulsive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with delays and general uncertain perturbations. applied mathematics and computation, 227, 480-493.

  7. liu, x., park, j. h., jiang, n., & cao, j. (2014). nonsmooth finite-time stabilization of neural networks with discontinuous activations. neural networks, 52, 25-32.

  8. cao, j., & wan, y. (2014). matrix measure strategies for stability and synchronization of inertial bam neural network with time delays. neural networks, 53, 165-172.

  9. yang, x., cao, j., & yu, w. (2014). exponential synchronization of memristive cohen–grossberg neural networks with mixed delays. cognitive neurodynamics, 8(3), 239-249.

  10. liu, x., ho, d. w., yu, w., & cao, j. (2014). a new switching design to finite-time stabilization of nonlinear systems with applications to neural networks. neural networks, 57, 94-102.

  11. chandrasekar, a., rakkiyappan, r., cao, j., & lakshmanan, s. (2014). synchronization of memristor-based recurrent neural networks with two delay components based on second-order reciprocally convex approach. neural networks, 57, 79-93.

  12. lu, j., ho, d. w., cao, j., & kurths, j. (2013). single impulsive controller for globally exponential synchronization of dynamical networks. nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 14(1), 581-593.

  13. wang, y., & cao, j. (2013). cluster synchronization in nonlinearly coupled delayed networks of non-identical dynamic systems. nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 14(1), 842-851.

  14. yang, x., cao, j., & lu, j. (2013). synchronization of randomly coupled neural networks with markovian jumping and time-delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 60(2), 363-376.

  15. yang, x., cao, j., & yang, z. (2013). synchronization of coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks with time-varying delays via pinning-impulsive controller. siam journal on control and optimization, 51(5), 3486-3510.

  16. wen, g., hu, g., yu, w., cao, j., & chen, g. (2013). consensus tracking for higher-order multi-agent systems with switching directed topologies and occasionally missing control inputs. systems & control letters, 62(12), 1151-1158.

  17. cao, j., sivasamy, r., & rakkiyappan, r. (2016). sampled-data h_ {\ infty} synchronization of chaotic lur’e systems with time delay. circuits, systems, and signal processing, 35(3), 811-835.


  1. j. liang, z. wangand x.liu, state estimation for coupled uncertain stochastic networks with missing measurements and time-varying delays: the discrete-time case, ieee transactions on neural networks, 20(5) (2009) 781-793.

  2. j. liang, z. wang, y. liuand x. liu, robust synchronization of an array of coupled stochastic discrete-time delayed neural networks,ieee transactions on neural networks, 19(11) (2008) 1910-1921.

  3. j.liang,, y.liuandx.liu, global synchronization control of general delayed discrete-time networks with stochastic coupling and disturbances, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics-b, 38(4) (2008)1073-1083.

  4. q. song, j. liangand, passivity analysis of discrete-time stochastic neural networks with time-varying delays, neurocomputing, 72(7-9) (2009)1782-1788.

  5. y. liu, z. wang, j. liang and x. liu, synchronization of coupled neutral-type neural networks with jumping-mode-dependent discrete and unbounded distributed delays, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 43(1) (2013) 102-114.

  6. y. liu,, j. liangandx. liu,stability and synchronization of discrete-time markovian jumping neural networks with mixed mode-dependent time delays, ieee transactions on neural networks,20(7) (2009)1102-1116.


[1] j. a backward problem for the time-fractional diffusion equation, ,1769–1788.


  1. cao, j., & lu, j. (2006). adaptive synchronization of neural networks with or without time-varying delay. chaos: an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science, 16(1), 013133.

  2. lu, j., ho, d. w., & cao, j. (2010). a unified synchronization criterion for impulsive dynamical networks. automatica, 46(7), 1215-1221.

  3. lu, j., kurths, j., cao, j., mahdavi, n., & huang, c. (2012). synchronization control for nonlinear stochastic dynamical networks: pinning impulsive strategy. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 23(2), 285-292.

  4. lu, j., ho, d. w., cao, j., & kurths, j. (2011). exponential synchronization of linearly coupled neural networks with impulsive disturbances. ieee transactions on neural networks, 22(2), 329-336.

  5. lu, j., ho, d. w., & wang, z. (2009). pinning stabilization of linearly coupled stochastic neural networks via minimum number of controllers. ieee transactions on neural networks, 20(10), 1617-1629.

  6. yang, x., cao, j., & lu, j. (2012). stochastic synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical nodes via hybrid adaptive and impulsive control. ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 59(2), 371-384.

  7. lu, j., & ho, d. w. (2010). globally exponential synchronization and synchronizability for general dynamical networks. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, part b (cybernetics), 40(2), 350-361.

  8. lu, j., ho, d. w., & wu, l. (2009). exponential stabilization of switched stochastic dynamical networks. nonlinearity, 22(4), 889.

  9. yang, x., cao, j., & lu, j. (2011). synchronization of delayed complex dynamical networks with impulsive and stochastic effects. nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 12(4), 2252-2266.

  10. lu, j., ho, d. w., cao, j., & kurths, j. (2013). single impulsive controller for globally exponential synchronization of dynamical networks. nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 14(1), 581-593.

  11. yang, x., cao, j., & lu, j. (2012). synchronization of markovian coupled neural networks with nonidentical node-delays and random coupling strengths. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 23(1), 60-71.

  12. yang, x., cao, j., & lu, j. (2013). synchronization of randomly coupled neural networks with markovian jumping and time-delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 60(2), 363-376.

  13. tang, y., gao, h., lu, j., & kurths, j. (2014). pinning distributed synchronization of stochastic dynamical networks: a mixed optimization approach. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 25(10), 1804-1815.

  14. liu, y., lu, j., & wu, b. (2014). some necessary and sufficient conditions for the output controllability of temporal boolean control networks. esaim: control, optimisation and calculus of variations, 20(1), 158-173.


[1] ji, c., sun, z. (2015). , journal of scientific computing, 64, 959-985.

[2] zhang, y., sun, z. (2014). , , 59(1),104-128.

[3] ,  &  (2012). compact alternating direction implicit scheme for the two-dimensional fractional diffusion-wave equation., , 1535–1555.


  1. wen, g., duan, z., chen, g., & yu, w. (2014). consensus tracking of multi-agent systems with lipschitz-type node dynamics and switching topologies. ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 61(2), 499-511.

  2. wen, g., hu, g., yu, w., cao, j., & chen, g. (2013). consensus tracking for higher-order multi-agent systems with switching directed topologies and occasionally missing control inputs. systems & control letters, 62(12), 1151-1158.

  3. wen, g., duan, z., yu, w., & chen, g. (2013). consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with delayed nonlinear dynamics and intermittent communications. international journal of control, 86(2), 322-331.


  1. he, x., wang, q., & yu, w. (2015). finite-time distributed cooperative attitude tracking control for multiple rigid spacecraft. applied mathematics and computation, 256, 724-734.

  2. lu, r., yu, w., lü, j., & xue, a. (2014). synchronization on complex networks of networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 25(11), 2110-2118.

  3. yang, x., cao, j., & yu, w. (2014). exponential synchronization of memristive cohen–grossberg neural networks with mixed delays. cognitive neurodynamics, 8(3), 239-249.

  4. liu, x., ho, d. w., yu, w., & cao, j. (2014). a new switching design to finite-time stabilization of nonlinear systems with applications to neural networks. neural networks, 57, 94-102.

  5. li, c., yu, w., & huang, t. (2014). impulsive synchronization schemes of stochastic complex networks with switching topology: average time approach. neural networks, 54, 85-94.

  6. wen, g., duan, z., chen, g., & yu, w. (2014). consensus tracking of multi-agent systems with lipschitz-type node dynamics and switching topologies. ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 61(2), 499-511.

  7. wen, g., hu, g., yu, w., cao, j., & chen, g. (2013). consensus tracking for higher-order multi-agent systems with switching directed topologies and occasionally missing control inputs. systems & control letters, 62(12), 1151-1158.

  8. yu, w., ren, w., zheng, w. x., chen, g., & lü, j. (2013). distributed control gains design for consensus in multi-agent systems with second-order nonlinear dynamics. automatica, 49(7), 2107-2115.

  9. yu, w., chen, g., lu, j., & kurths, j. (2013). synchronization via pinning control on general complex networks. siam journal on control and optimization, 51(2), 1395-1416.

  10. wen, g., duan, z., yu, w., & chen, g. (2013). consensus of multi‐agent systems with nonlinear dynamics and sampled‐data information: a delayed‐input approach. international journal of robust and nonlinear control, 23(6), 602-619.

  11. wen, g., duan, z., yu, w., & chen, g. (2013). consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with delayed nonlinear dynamics and intermittent communications. international journal of control, 86(2), 322-331.

  12. cao, y., yu, w., ren, w., & chen, g. (2013). an overview of recent progress in the study of distributed multi-agent coordination. ieee transactions on industrial informatics, 9(1), 427-438.

  13. yu, w., delellis, p., chen, g., di bernardo, m., & kurths, j. (2012). distributed adaptive control of synchronization in complex networks. ieee transactions on automatic control, 57(8), 2153-2158.

  14. wen, g., duan, z., yu, w., & chen, g. (2012). consensus in multi‐agent systems with communication constraints. international journal of robust and nonlinear control, 22(2), 170-182.

  15. yu, w., chen, g., ren, w., kurths, j., & zheng, w. x. (2011). distributed higher order consensus protocols in multiagent dynamical systems. ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 58(8), 1924-1932.

  16. yu, w., chen, g., & cao, m. (2011). consensus in directed networks of agents with nonlinear dynamics. ieee transactions on automatic control, 56(6), 1436-1441.

  17. yu, w., zheng, w. x., chen, g., ren, w., & cao, j. (2011). second-order consensus in multi-agent dynamical systems with sampled position data. automatica, 47(7), 1496-1503.

  18. yu, w., chen, g., & cao, m. (2010). some necessary and sufficient conditions for second-order consensus in multi-agent dynamical systems. automatica, 46(6), 1089-1095.

  19. yu, w., chen, g., cao, m., & kurths, j. (2010). second-order consensus for multiagent systems with directed topologies and nonlinear dynamics. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, part b, 40(3), 881-891.

  20. yu, w., chen, g., wang, z., & yang, w. (2009). distributed consensus filtering in sensor networks. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, part b (cybernetics), 39(6), 1568-1577.

  21. yu, w., lu, j., chen, g., duan, z., & zhou, q. (2009). estimating uncertain delayed genetic regulatory networks: an adaptive filtering approach. ieee transactions on automatic control, 54(4), 892-897.

  22. yu, w., chen, g., & lü, j. (2009). on pinning synchronization of complex dynamical networks. automatica, 45(2), 429-435.

  23. yu, w., cao, j., chen, g., lu, j., han, j., & wei, w. (2009). local synchronization of a complex network model. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, part b (cybernetics), 39(1), 230-241.

  24. huang, t., li, c., yu, w., & chen, g. (2009). synchronization of delayed chaotic systems with parameter mismatches by using intermittent linear state feedback. nonlinearity, 22(3), 569.

  25. yu, w., cao, j., & lü, j. (2008). global synchronization of linearly hybrid coupled networks with time-varying delay. siam journal on applied dynamical systems, 7(1), 108-133.
