academician of the international academy for systems and cybernetic sciences:jinde cao(2019)
member of european academy of sciences and arts: jinde cao(2018)
national innovation award: jinde cao(2017)
member of the academy of europe: jinde cao(2016)
fellow of pakistan academy of sciences : jinde cao(2016)
ieee fellow:jinde cao(2015)
highly cited researchers(thomson reuters/clarivate analytics): jinde cao(2014,2015,2016,2017,2018),wenwu yu(2014,2015,2016,2017,2018),jianquan lu(2018),jinling liang(2014)
national ten thousand talent program for young top-notch talents: wenwu yu(2014)
cheung kong scholars programme of china for young scholars:wenwu yu(2016)
national science fund for excellent young scholars: wenwu yu(2013),guanghui wen(2017)
young woman scientist award of china: jinling liang (2012)
special allowance of the state council: jianlong chen(2004),jijun liu(2015),jinde cao(2016)
award for outstanding young teachers in higher education institutions: jianlong chen (2002)
program for new century excellent talents in university: jianquan lu(2011),jinling liang(2012), qinshan liu(2012)
the member of the second level of the 333 training project for the high level talents, jiangsu province, china: jinde cao(2008,2011)
the member of the third level of the 333 training project for the high level talents, jiangsu province, china. jianlong chen(1999, 2003, 2007),jijun liu(2007),jinling liang(2012),jianquan lu(2016),qinshan liu(2018)
natural science foundation for distinguished young scholars of jiangsu province of china: jinling liang(2013),jianquan lu(2017),
jiangsu province sciencefoundation for excellent young scholars :guanghui wen(2017)