professor jinde cao won the national award for excellence in innovation-意昂体育


on may 27, the national science and technology day celebration and innovation conference was held in beijing. 10 groups and around 282 scientific and technological workers won the national award for excellence in innovation. professor cao jinde of southeast university won the certification of merit. southeast university ranked second for the number of awards.

the national award for excellence in innovation is one of the major science and technology awards, besides the national natural science award, the national technology award and the national science and technology progress award. it is only second to the national highest science and technology award. this award is set for the scientific and technological workers and research teams who have made outstanding achievements in scientific research, technology development, major equipment, engineering research and social services. the prize is awarded every three years, praising 10 research teams and no more than 30 scientific and technological workers who enjoy the benefits of model workers at ministerial and provincial level, and no more than 300 workers receive the certification.

professor cao jinde of southeast university was praised for his outstanding research achievements in his respective areas. he serves as the director of the research center for complex systems and network sciences at southeast university, has long been engaged in the study of complex networks and complex systems, neural dynamics,and optimization and multiagent systems. in 2016, he was elected as a member of the academia europaea (academy of europe) for his research results. in 2015, he was elected to the ieee fellow due to his great contributions in neural network analysis. he has been named as highly cited researcher in engineering, computer science, and mathematics by thomson reuters.


professor cao was an associate editor of the ieee transactions on neural networks, journal of the franklin institute, neurocomputing, and differential equations and dynamical systems. he is currently an associate editor of the ieee transactions on cybernetics, ieee transactions on cognitive and developmental systems, neural networks, nonlinear analysis: modelling and control, mathematics and computers in simulation, advances in difference equations, and journal of artificial intelligence and soft computing research.
