speaker:wang zhicheng
address: mit
title: a stabilized phase-field method for two-phase flow at high reynolds number and large density/viscosity ratio
abstract:simulating two-phase flows in realistic industrial-complexity conditions remains an open problem. we present a phase-field method based on the cahn-hilliard equation that is able to simulate two-phase flow at high reynolds number and at large density and viscosity ratios. we employ the entropy-viscosity method (evm), applied both on the navier-stokes equations and phase-field equation, to stabilize the simulation in conjunction with an evm-based artificial interface compression method (aicm) that maintains the sharpness of the interface. we implement this method based on a hybrid spectral-element/fourier (sef) discretization and demonstrate second-order accuracy in time and spectral convergence rate in space for smoothed fabricated solutions. we first test the accuracy and robustness of the stabilized sef-evm solver by solving the so-called three-dimensional leveque problem and compare against other available methods. subsequently, we simulate a rising air bubble in a water container and find that the method is robust with respect to various parameters of the phase-field formulation. lastly, we apply the method to simulate the onset and subsequent evolution of an air/oil slug in a long horizontal pipe using realistic parameters and incorporating gravity and surface tension effects. this is a particularly difficult flow to simulate with existing methods in realistic conditions and here we show that the new stabilized phase-field methods yield results in good agreement with the experimental data. |