

speaker: gao yun, york university, canada

title: p(n)-graded lie super algebras

abstract. we generalize the p(n)-graded lie super algebras of martinez- zelmanov. this generalization is not so restrictive but sufficient enough so that we are able to have a classification for this generalized p(n)-graded lie super-algebras. the upshot is that the generalized p(n)-graded lie super-algebra l is centrally isogenous to a matrix lie super-algebra coordinated by an associative super-algebra with a super- involution. moreover, l is p(n)-graded if and only if the coordinate algebra r is commutative and the super-involution is trivial. this recovers martinez-zelmanov’s theorem for type p(n). the motivation of this generalization comes from the fermionic-bosonic module construction.
