lecture: wei xing zheng, 15:30-意昂体育


title: optimal power control for long-term remote state estimation: a tradeoff perspective

abstract: in the cyber-physical   system framework, sensors are deployed in some particular area to monitor   physical plants. limited energy budget of the sensors is a crucial factor to   impact the performance of state monitoring on the physical plant. this talk   considers the scenario that a power-limited sensor sends the state   information of a physical plant to a remote estimator over a correlated block   fading wireless channel. from the perspective of system operator, it is of   importance to design a proper transmission power scheduling policy to achieve   desirable long-term estimation quality at the remote estimator side and save   the power cost at the sensor side concurrently. to achieve this objective, we   construct an optimization problem which minimizes the weighted sum of the   average estimation error and the average power cost in an infinite time   horizon. according to the markov decision theory, we can derive the existence   of the optimal solution and its structure. since an implicit part is existent   in its expression, the obtained optimal solution cannot be applied to control   the transmission power directly. to approximate the unclear part in the   optimal solution, we restrain the sensor power control policy and obtain a   close-form expression of this part. then a suboptimal power scheduling   strategy with the explicit expression is presented.

introduction: wei xing zheng received   the b.sc. degree in applied mathematics in 1982, the m.sc. degree in control   theory and applications in 1984, and the phd degree in control theory and   applications in 1989, all from southeast university, nanjing, china. over the   years, he has held various faculty/research/visiting positions at southeast   university, china; imperial college of science, technology and medicine, uk;   university of western australia, curtin university of technology, australia;   munich university of technology, germany; university of virginia, usa; and   university of california-davis, usa. currently he holds the rank of full   professor at western sydney university, australia. dr. zheng is a fellow of   ieee. he was thrice named as an isi highly cited researcher in 2015, 2016 and   2017. previously, he served as an associate editor for ieee transactions on   circuits and systems-i: fundamental theory and applications, ieee   transactions on automatic control, ieee signal processing letters, ieee   transactions on circuits and systems-ii: express briefs, and ieee   transactions on fuzzy systems, and as a guest editor for ieee transactions on   circuits and systems-i: regular papers. currently, he serves as an associate   editor for automatica, ieee transactions on automatic control (the second   term), ieee transactions on cybernetics, ieee transactions on neural networks   and learning systems, ieee transactions on control of network systems, and   other scholarly journals.
