optimal dos attack power allocation against remote state estimation
heng zhang
associate professor, school of science
huaihai institute of technology, china
time: 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m., 1 feb. 2018
venue: 1st conference hall, school of mathematics, jiulonghu campus of seu
invited by: guanghui wen
recently, security issues are of great importance in cyber-physical systems. various efforts have been devoted to study the influence of specific malicious attacks, e.g., denial-of-service (dos) attacks, replay attacks and data injection attacks, on particular systems. thereinto, dos attack, which aims to prevent the communication between system components by jamming the communication channel, has been widely studied since this attack pattern is the most accomplishable and can result in serious consequences. this talk will introduce some latest works on how to evaluate the impact of a power-limited dos attack on remote state estimation.
heng zhang received the ph.d. degree in control science and engineering from zhejiang university. he is currently an associate professor at the school of science, huaihai institute of technology, lianyungang, jiangsu, china. he was also a research fellow at western sydney university. his research interests include security and privacy in cyber-physical systems, control and optimization theory. he is an editor board member of several academic journals, including ieee access, iet wireless sensor systems, eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking, ksii transactions on internet and information systems, etc. he also serves as a guest editor of journal of the franklin institute, peer-to-peer networking and applications, iet cyber-physical systems: theory & applications. he is also an active reviewer of ieee tac, ieee tcns, ieee tifs, and ieee twc, etc.