

speaker:prof. tasawar  hayat

from:mathematics department at quaid-i-azamuniversity  islamabad, pakistan

time:0940am1140am,18 aug.

report 1impact of  curvature and compliant wall effects in the rheological fluid  flow

abstract:here attention  will be focused to the peristaltic transport of rheologicalmaterial. constitutive relationships for  pseudoplastic liquid will be taken into consideration. attention will be focused  to the situation when no-slip condition remains invalid. influences of curvature  nd compliant wall properties will be analyzed. resulting problems will consist  of nonlinear equations along with nonlinear conditions through slip feature.  partial slip via shear stress will be examined. perturbation technique will be  adopted for the computations of convergent solutions. different flow quantities  of interest will be interpreted for the pertinent parameters involved in the  formulation.

report 2peristalsis subject to nano particles

abstract:the mathematical model for usefulness of nanomaterials in  hyperthermia and drug delivery systems will be constructed. various nano fluid  models will be examined. brownian motion and thermophoresis effects will be  highlighted. effective medium dependent fluid properties will be studied.  modeling through conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy will be made.  large wavelength analysis will be considered forthe solution procedure. several physical  quantities of interest will be analyzed through graphs and tabulated values.  results with limiting situations will be compared and  analyzed.

resume:prof. tasawar  hayat (born in khanewal, punjab), distinguished national professor and  chairperson of mathematics department at quaid-i-azamuniversity islamabad,  pakistan is renowned worldwide for his seminal, diversified and fundamental  contributions in models relevant to mathematical modeling, physiological  systems, control engineering, climate change, renewable energy, low-carbon  technologies, environmental issues, non-newtonian fluids, wave mechanics,  homotopic solutions, stability, nanomaterialsand in several other areas. he has a honor of being fellow of pakistan  academy of sciences, third world academy of sciences (twas) and islamic world  academy of sciences in the mathematical sciences. he is the only highly cited  researcher from pakistan yet in both mathematics and engineering.  

