
xuan zhao
associate professor
department of mathematics
system science department
--- 501-5
  • joing phd of southeast university and brown university

  • 图书章节:


    [1] xuan zhao, and zhi-zhong sun, part 1. time-fractional derivatives, in handbook of fractional calculus with applications volume 3: numerical methods edited by jose antonio tenreiro machado, pp. 34-59, de gruyter, 2019.



    [42] yixian zhang,zhuoxuan li,yiding cao, xuan zhao*,jinde cao,deep reinforcement learning using optimized monte carlo tree search in ewn, ieee transactions on games , 2023, online

    [41] bingqing hu, wei zhang, xuan zhao*, convergence analysis of the maximum principle preserving bdf2 scheme with variable time-steps for the space fractional allen-cahn equation, journal of computational and applied mathematics, 448 (2024), 115951. 


    [40] zhongqin xue, shuying zhai, xuan zhao*, energy dissipation and evolutions of the nonlocal cahn-hilliard model and space fractional variants using efficient variable-step bdf2 method, journal of computational physics, 510 (2024), 113071.


    [39] honglin liao, nan liu, xuan zhao*, asymptotically compatible energy of variable-step fractional bdf2 scheme for the time-fractional cahn-hilliard model, ima journal of numerical analysis, 2024, 


    [38] bingquan ji, xuan zhao*, mesh-robust l2 norm convergence of variable-step linear bdf2 scheme for the incompressible navier-stokes equations, numerical algorithms, 2024, 


    [37] xuan zhao*, haifeng zhang, ren-jun qi, stability and convergence of bdf2-adi schemes with variable step sizes for parabolic equation, applied numerical mathematics, 2024, online.


    [36] zhongqin xue, guanghui wen, zhimin zhang, xuan zhao*, efficient high-order backward difference formulae for cahn-hilliard equation with the gradient flow in $h^{-\alpha}$, communications in computational physics, 35, 2024, 1263-1286.


    [35] xuan zhao*, zhuhan jiang, hong sun, energy dissipation law of the variable time-step fractional bdf2 scheme for the time fractional molecular beam epitaxial model, international journal of computer mathematics, 2024, 

    [34] zhongqin xue, xuan zhao*, efficient variable steps bdf2 scheme for the two-dimensional space fractional cahn-hilliard model, communications on applied mathematics and computation, 2024, online.


    [33] ren-jun qi,xuan zhao*,a unified design of energy stable schemes with variable steps for fractional gradient flows and nonlinear integro-differential equations, siam journal on scientific computing , 46 (2024), a130-a155.

    [32zonghan li, yangbo wei, yixian zhang, xuan zhao*, jinde cao, jianhua guo, adaptive data processing framework for efficient short-term traffic flow prediction, nonlinear dynamics, (2024) 15231-15249.

    [31xuan zhao*, ran yang, ren-jun qi, hong sun, energy stability and convergence of variable-step l1 scheme for the time fractional swift-hohenberg model, fractional calculus and applied analysis, 27 (2024), 82-101.


    [30] ren-jun qi, wei zhang, xuan zhao*, variable-step numerical schemes and energy dissipation laws for time fractional cahn-hilliard model, applied mathematics letters, 149 (2024), 108929.

    [29] xuan zhao, haifeng zhang, hong sun, errors of an implicit variable-step bdf2 method for a molecular beam epitaxial model with slope selection, east asian journal on applied mathematics, 13 (2023), 886-913.

    [28] juan li, hong sun, xuan zhao*, energy stable and convergent bdf3-5 schemes for the molecular beam epitaxial model with slope selection, international journal of computer mathematics, 100 (2023), 1646-1665.


    [27] hong sun, yanping chen, xuan zhao, error estimate of the nonuniform l1 type formula for the time fractional diffusion-wave equation, communications in mathematical sciences, 21 (2023), 1707-1725.

    [26]  zhongqin xue, xuan zhao*, compatible energy dissipation of the variable-step l1 scheme for the space-time fractional cahn-hilliard equation, siam journal on scientific computing , 44 (2023), a2539-a2560.


    [25]  yiheng wei, yuquan chen, xuan zhao, jinde cao, analysis and synthesis of gradient algorithms based on fractional-order system theory, ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, 53 (2023), 1895-1906.


    [24xuan zhao*, zhenhai wu, jingyi qiu, yiheng wei, a novel hybrid algorithm with static and dynamic models for air quality index forecasting, nonlinear dynamics, 111 (2023), 13187-13199.


    [23] hong sun, xuan zhao*, haiyan cao, ran yang, ming zhang, stability and convergence analysis of adaptive bdf2 scheme for the swift-hohenberg equation, communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 111 (2022), 106412.


    [22胡健雄, 汤奕, 李峰, 王琦, 赵璇, 电力系统中数据-物理融合模型的并联模式性能分析, 电力系统自动化, 46 (2021), 15-24.

    [21] 邱敬怡,赵璇*,基于 svr-bp 算法的江苏省空气质量指数预测,南通大学学报(自然科学版)2020 19(1): 42-47. 

    [20] xuan zhao, meichen song, anqi liu, yiming wang, tong wang, jinde caodata-driven temporal-spatial model for the prediction of aqi in nanjing, journal of artificial intelligence and soft computing research, 10 (2020) 255-270.

    [19]shuying zhai, dongling wang, zhifeng weng,  xuan zhao*, error analysis and numerical simulations of strang splitting method for space fractional nonlinear schrodinger equation,journal on scientific computing81 (2019) 965-989. 


    [18] chengdai huang, xuan zhao, xuehai wang, zhengxin wang, min xiao, jinde cao, disparate delays-induced bifurcations in a fractional-order neural network, journal of the franklin institute 356 (2019) 2825–2846. 


    [17] chengdai huang, xiaobing nie, xuan zhao, qiankun song, zhengwen tu, min xiao, jinde cao, novel bifurcation results for a delayed fractional-order quaternion-valued neural network, neural networks 117 (2019) 67–93. 


    [16] hong sun, xuan zhao, zhi-zhong sun, the temproal second order difference schemes based on the interpolation approximation for the time multi-term fractional wave equation,journal on scientific computing, (2019) 78:467–498. 


    [15] beichuan deng, zhimin zhang, xuan zhaosuperconvergence points for the spectral interpolation of riesz fractional derivatives,journal on scientific computing,81 (2019) 1577-1601.


    [14]  yue zhao, weiping bu, xuan zhaoyifa tang, galerkin finite element method for two-dimensional space and time fractional bloch–torrey equation,journal of computational physics350 (2017), 117-135.


    [13] xiaoshuai ding, jinde cao, xuan zhao, and fuad e. alsaadi, mittag-leffler synchronization of delayed fractional-order bidirectional associative memory neural networks with discontinuous activations: state feedback control and impulsive control schemes, proc. r. soc. a 473: 20170322. 


    [12] xiaoshuai ding, jinde cao,  xuan zhao,  fuad e. alsaadi, finite-time stability of fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delays, neural process lett (2017) 46:561–580. 


    [11] xuan zhao*, xiaozhe hu, wei cai, george e. karniadakis, adaptive finite element method for fractional differential equations using hierarchical matrices,comput. methods appl. mech. engrg325 (2017) 56–76 .


    [10] xuan zhao, zhimin zhang, superconvergence points of fractional spectral interpolation, siam journal on scientific computing, 38 (2016) a598-a614.


    [9] xuan zhao*, zhi-zhong sun, george em karniadakis, second order approximations for variable order fractional derivatives: algorithms and applications, journal of computational physics, 293 (2015) 184–200.


    [8] xuan zhao, zhi-zhong sun, compact crank-nicolson schemes for a class of fractional cattaneo equation in inhomogeneous medium, journal of scientific computing, 62 (2015) 747-771.


    [7] xuan zhao*, zhi-zhong sun, zhao-peng hao, a fourth-order compact adi scheme for 2d nonlinear space fractional schrödinger equation, siam journal on scientific computing, 36-6 (2014), pp. a2865-a2886.(esi高被引论文)


    [6] haiyan cao, zhi-zhong sun, xuan zhao, a second-order three-level difference scheme for a magneto-thermo-elasticity model, adv. appl. math. mech., 6 (2014), 281-298. 


    [5] jin-cheng ren, zhi-zhong sun, xuan zhao, compact difference scheme for the fractional sub-diffusion equation with neumann boundary conditions, journal of computational physics, 232 (2013), 456-467. 


    [4] xuan zhao*, qinwu xu, efficient numerical schemes for fractional sub-diffusion equation with the spatially variable coefficient, applied mathematical modelling, 38 (2014) 3848-3859. 


    [3] juan li, zhi-zhong sun, xuan zhao, a three level linearized compact difference scheme for the cahn-hilliard equation, sci china math, 55 (2012), 805-826. 


    [2]ya-nan zhang, zhi-zhong sun, xuan zhao, compact alternating direction implicit schemes for the two-dimensional fractional diffusion-wave equation, siam journal on numerical analysis, 50 ( 2012) , 1535-1555.   (esi高被引论文)


    [1]xuan zhao, zhi-zhong sun, a box-type scheme for fractional sub-diffusion equation with neumann boundary conditions, journal of computational physics, 230 (2011), 6061-6074.



  • 2016 riemann-liouville award (international conference on fractional differentiation and its applications,novi sad, serbia, july 18 - 20, 2016, )

    2015 excellent doctoral dissertation of southeast university

    2015 outstanding contribution in reviewing applied mathematical modelling 

    2014 outstanding contribution in reviewing journal of computational physics  

  • reviewer for:

    siam journal on scientific computing

    journal of computational physics

    journal on scientific computing

    mathematics and computers in simulation

    applied mathematical modelling 

    numerical algorithms

    journal of computational mathematics...
