14. yian xu. the chromatic number of (p_5, hvn)-free graphs. acta mathematicae applicatae sinica, english series, accepted.
13. yian xu. coloring graphs without induced p_5 or k_5-e. applied mathematics and computation. 2024, 461, 128314
12. wei dong, baogang xu, yian xu*. a tight linear bound to the chromatic number of (p_5, k_1 (k_1\cup k_3))-free graphs. graphs and combinatorics. 39 (no. 43), 2023.
11.yian xu. on the structure of pentagraphs. applied mathematics and computation. 2022, 439, 127632.
10. wei dong, baogang xu and yian xu, on the chromatic number of some p5-free graphs. discrete mathematics 345 (2022) 113004.
9.吴狄 , 许宝刚 , 许怡安∗, 围长 2l 1 且无长奇洞图的染色问题. 中国科学:数学, 2023,第53卷,第1期: 103-120.
8. yian xu, normal and non-normal cayley graphs for symmetric groups. discrete mathematics 345 (2022) 112834.
7. yian xu, a new upper bound for conway’s thrackles. applied mathematics and computation 389 (2021) 125573.
6. yian xu, a better upper bound on the chromatic number of (cap, even-hole)-free graphs. discrete mathematics 344 (2021) 112581.
5. michael giudici, caiheng li and yian xu, constructing 2-arc-transitive covers of hypercubes,
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3. luis goddyn and yian xu, on the bounds of conway’s thrackles, discrete & computational geometry
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2. yian xu, on acyclic edge coloring of toroidal graphs, information processing letters, 111(2011), no.13, 647-649
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