ying wan, guanghui wen, xinghuo yu, and jürgen kurths, distributed event-based resilient secondary control for ac microgrids: a trust-reputation approach, ieee transactions on smart grid, doi: 10.1109/tsg.2023.3302902.
guanghui wen, wei xing zheng, ying wan, distributed robust optimization for networked agent systems with unknown nonlinearities, ieee transactions on automatic control, doi: 10.1109/tac.2022.3216965, oct. 2022.
ying wan, cheng long, ruilong deng, guanghui wen, and xinghuo yu, adaptive event-triggered strategy for economic dispatch in uncertain communication networks, ieee transactions on control of network systems, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1881-1891, dec. 2021.
ying wan, cheng long, ruilong deng, guanghui wen, xinghuo yu, and tingwen huang, distributed event-based control for thermostatically controlled loads under hybrid cyber attacks, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 5314-5327, nov. 2021
ying wan, guanghui wen, xinghuo yu, tingwen huang, distributed consensus tracking of networked agent systems under denial-of-service attacks, ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems, 51(10): 6183-6196, oct. 2021.
ying wan, jinde cao, wei huang, jianhua guo, yun wei, perimeter control of multi-region urban traffic networks with time-varying delays, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 50(8): 2795-2803, aug. 2020.
ying wan, jinde cao, guanrong chen, wei huang, distributed observer-based cyber-security control of complex dynamical networks, ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 64(11): 2966-2975, nov. 2017.
ying wan, jinde cao, guanghui wen, quantized synchronization of chaotic neural networks with scheduled output feedback control, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 28(11): 2638-2647, nov. 2017.
ying wan, jinde cao, ahmed alsaedi, tasawar hayat, distributed observer-based stabilization of nonlinear multi-agent systems with sampled-data control, asian journal of control, 19(3), 918-928, 2017.
ying wan, jinde cao, guanghui wen, wenwu yu, robust fixed-time synchronization of delayed cohen grossberg neural networks, neural networks, 73: 86-94, 2016.
ying wan, guanghui wen, jinde cao, wenwu yu, distributed node-to-node consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastic sampling.international journal of robust and nonlinear control, 26(1): 110-124, jan. 2016.
ying wan, jinde cao. periodicity and synchronization of coupled memristive neural networks with supremums, neurocomputing, 159: 137-143, 2015.
ying wan, jinde cao. distributed robust stabilization of linear multi-agent systems with intermittent control, journal of the franklin institute, 352(10): 4515-4527, 2015.
jinde cao, ying wan, matrix measure strategies for stability and synchronization of inertial bam neural network with time delays, neural networks, 53: 165-172, 2014.
guanghui wen, ying wan, jinde cao, tingwen huang, wenwu yu, master-slave synchronization of heterogeneous systems under scheduling communication, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 48(3): 473-484, mar. 2018.
junjie fu, ying wan, guanghui wen, tingwen huang, distributed robust global containment control of second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation, ieee transactions on control of network systems, doi: 10.1109/tcns.2019.2893665, jan. 2019.
junjie fu, ying wan, tingwen huang, event-triggered finite-time practical consensus of multi-agent systems with general directed communication graphs, international journal of robust and nonlinear control, doi: 10.1002/rnc.5168.
fei cheng, wenwu yu, ying wan, jinde cao, distributed robust control for linear multi-agent systems with intermittent communications and parameter uncertainties, ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii express briefs, 63(9): 838-842, sept. 2016.