
guanghui wen
school of mathematics
system science department
  • dr. wen received the ph.d. degree in mechanical systems and control from peking university, china, in 2012. currently, he is a full professor with the department of systems science, southeast university, nanjing, china. his current research interests include cooperative control of multi-agent systems, analysis and synthesis of complex networks, cyber-physical systems, and resilient control. dr. wen was the recipient of the best student paper award in the 6th chinese conference on complex networks in 2010. he was named a highly cited researcher by clarivate analytics since 2018. dr. wen was awarded a national natural science fund for excellent young scholars in 2017. moreover, he was a recipient of the australian research council discovery early career researcher award in 2018. he currently serves as an associate editor of ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in industrial electronics, ieee trans. systems, man and cybernetics: system, and asian j. control. he is an iet fellow.

  • research interests

    distributed control theory and control engineering; 

    analysis and control of cooperative behaviours for cross-domain swarm systems;

    distributed reinforcement learning; 

    distributed optimization, intelligent decision making and game theory;

    cooperative control and intelligent decision-making of multiple unmanned surface vehicles. 

    selected recent research papers

    [1] g., y. zhao, z. duan, w. yu, and g. chen, containment of higher-order multi-leader multi-agent systems: a dynamic output approach, ieee transactions on automatic controlvol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1135-1140, 2016.

    [2] g.  wen and  w. x. zheng, on constructing multiple lyapunov functions for tracking control of  multiple agents with switching topologies, ieee  transactions on automatic control,  vol.  64, no. 9, pp. 3796-3803, 2019.

    [3] g. wen, x. yu, j. fu, h. wang, and w. yu, fast distributed average tracking in multi-agent networks: the case with general linear agent dynamics, ieee transactions on control of network systems, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 997-1009, 2021.

    [4] g. wen, w. x. zheng, and y. wan, distributed robust optimization for networked agent systems with unknown nonlinearities, ieee transactions on automatic control, full paper,  vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 5230-5244, 2023.

    [5] g. wen, y. lv, w. x. zheng, j. zhou, and j. fu, joint robustness of time-varying networks and its applications to resilient consensus, ieee transactions on automatic control, full paper, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 6466-6480, 2023

    [6] g. wen, w. x. zheng, and h. du, homogeneous constrained finite-time controller for double integrator systems: analysis and experiment, automatica, vol. 134, art. no.:109894, 2021.

    [7] h. du, g. wen, x. yu, s. li and m.z.q. chen, finite-time consensus of multiple nonholonomic chained-form systems based on recursive distributed observer, automatica, vol. 62, pp. 236-242, 2015.

    [8] y. zhao, y. liu, g. wen, and g. chen, distributed optimization of linear multi-agent systems:  edge- and node-based adaptive designs, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 3602-3609, 2017.

     [9] y. zhao, y. liu, g. wen, w. ren, and g. chen, designing distributed specified-time consensus protocols for linear multi-agent systems over directed graphs, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 2945-2952, 2019.

    [10] y. zhu, w. yu, g. wen, g. chen, and w. ren, continuous-time distributed subgradient algorithm for convex optimization with general constraints, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1694-1701, 2019.

    [11] x. hu, z.-w. liu, g. wen, x. yu, and c. li, branch-wise parallel successive algorithm for online voltage regulation in distribution networks, ieee transactions on smart grid, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 6678-6689, 2019. 

    [12] x. hu, z.-w. liu, g. wen, x. yu, and c. liu, voltage control for distribution networks via coordinated regulation of active and reactive power of dgs, ieee transactions on smart grid, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 4017-4031, 2020.

    [13] h. du, g. wen, d. wu, y. cheng, and j. lu, distributed fixed-time consensus for nonlinear heterogeneous multi-agent systems, automatica, vol. 113, art. no.: 1087972020.

    [14] y. lv, g. wen, t. huang, and z. duan, adaptive attack-free protocol for consensus tracking with pure relative output information, automatica, regular paper, vol.117, art. no.: 108998, 2020. 

    [15] y. zhu, w. yu, g. wen, and g. chen, distributed nash equilibrium seeking in an aggregative game on a directed graph, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2746-2753, 2021.

    [16] y. zhao, c. xian, g. wen, p. huang, and w. ren, design of distributed event-triggered average tracking algorithms for homogeneous and heterogeneous multiagent systems, ieee transactions on automatic control, full paper, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 1269-1284, 2022. 

    [17] m. niu, g. wen, y. lv, and g. chen, innovation-based stealthy attack against distributed state estimation over sensor networks, automatica, regular paper, vol. 152, art. no.: 110962, 2023.

    [18] y. zhou, g. wen, y. wan, and j. fu, consensus tracking control for a class of general linear hybrid multi-agent systems: a model-free approach, automatica, regular paper, vol. 156, art. no.:  111198, 2023.

    [19] x. shi, g. wen, j. cao, and x. yu, finite-time distributed average tracking for multi-agent optimization with bounded inputsieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 68, no. 8, pp.  4948-4955, 2023.

    [20] j. fu, g. wen, and x. yu, safe consensus tracking with guaranteed full state and input constraints: a control barrier function based approach, ieee transactions on automatic control, doi: 10.1109/tac.2023.3283697. 

    [21] x. lei, g. wen, w. x. zheng, and j. fu, security strategy against location-varying sparse attack on distributed state monitoring, ieee transactions on automatic control, doi: 10.1109/tac.2023.3307528. 

    [22] y. wan, g. wen, x. yu, and j. kurths, distributed event-based resilient secondary control for ac microgrids: a trust-reputation approach, ieee transactions on smart grid, doi: 10.1109/tsg.2023.3302902. 

    [23] m. luan, g. wen, y. lv, j. zhou, and c. l. philip chen, distributed constrained optimization over unbalanced time-varying digraphs: a randomized constraint solving algorithm, ieee transactions on automatic control, full paper, doi: 10.1109/tac.2023.3347328.

    survey paper

    [1] g. wen, x. yu, w. yu, and j. lu, coordination and control of complex network systems with switching topologies: a survey, ieee transactions on systems, man and cyberneticssystemsvol. 51, no. 10, pp. 6342-6357, 2021.  ieee-tsmcs-wyyl-2020.pdf

    [2] g. wen, x. yu, and z.-w. liu, recent progress on the study of distributed economic dispatch in smart grid: an overview, frontiers of information technology & electronic engineering, vol. 22, pp. 25-39, 2021.

  • 2023            highly-cited researcher in engineering (clarivate)

    2022            highly-cited researcher in engineering (clarivate)

    2021            highly-cited researcher in engineering (clarivate)

    2021           iet fellow

    2021           outstanding associate editor of asian journal of control  


    2020            highly-cited researcher in engineering (clarivate)

    2019            young researcher award, asia pacific neural network society

    2019            highly-cited researcher in engineering (clarivate)

    2018            outstanding reviewer of science china technological sciences

    2018            highly-cited researcher in engineering (clarivate)

    2018            australian research council discovery early career researcher award

    2017            outstanding reviewer of ieee transactions on cybernetics (2017)

    2015            outstanding reviewer of jfi (2015)

    2014            outstanding reviewer of asjc (2014)

    2012             “zhang si-ying (ccdc) outstanding youth paper award” finalists.

    2010            best student paper award in the 6th chinese conference on complex networks

                        first prize of excellency scholarship for graduates at peking university

    2006-2008   first prize of excellency scholarship for graduates at nanjing  university of aeronautics and astronautics

    2004-2005   second prize in national undergraduates mathematical contest in modeling

                        excellent undergraduate of liaoning province

    2001-2005   more than 10 curriculum scholarships

  • associate editor of ieee transactions on industrial informatics(2023-);

    associate editor of ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems (2019-);

    associate editor of asian journal of control (2016-, sci if: 3.452);

    guest associate editor for neurocomputing;

    leading guest editor for asian journal of control, special issue on: analysis and control of complex cyber-physical networks”; deadline: nov. 30, 2020; call for papers: 2020_ajc cfp.pdf

    ieee senior member;

    chair of ieee ies industrial informatics committee-china (2022-);

    reviewer for mathematical reviews;

    tc member of ieee ies technical committee on network-based control systems and application (2017-);

    tc member of ieee ies technical committee on technology ethics and society (2020-);

    program committee member of chinese conference of complex networks (2012-);

    program committee member of icaci, isnn, icca, ncta, ijcci, complex networks;

    member of technical committee on complex networks and systems control of csiam (2014-).
