1.wenying xi and wensong lin*, on maximum p3-packing in claw-free subcubic graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization41 (2021) 694–709.
2.dan he and wensong lin*, on t-relaxed 2-distant circular coloring of graphs, bull. malays. math. sci. soc. 44 (2021) 1941-1960.
3.mengya li and wensong lin*, on star family packing of graphs, rairo - operations research 55 (2021) 2129-2140.
4.chenli shen and wensong lin*, fashion game on graphs, discrete optimization 38 (2020) 100606.
5.wensong lin*, channel assignment problem and relaxed 2-distant coloring of graphs, discrete applied mathematics 227 (2020) 231-244.
6.wensong lin* and chenli shen, channel assignment problem and n-fold t-separated l(j1,j2,…,jm)-labeling of graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization 35(4) (2018) 1147-1167.
7.jun lan and wensong lin*, on t-relaxed chromatic number of r-power paths, discrete mathematics, algorithms and applications 10(2) (2018) 1850017
8.wensong lin* and xuan zhao, on (s,t)-relaxed l(1,1)-labeling of trees, international journal of computer mathematics 94(6) (2017) 1219-1227.
9.dan he and wensong lin*, on (s,t)-relaxed strong edge-coloring of graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization 33(2) (2017) 609-625.
10.benqiu dai and wensong lin*, on (s,t)-relaxed l(2,1)-labelings of the hexagonal lattice, ars combinatoria 130 (2017) 319-331.
11.wei dong* and wensong lin, on 2-distance coloring of plane graphs with girth 5, discrete applied mathematics 217 (2017) 495-505.
12.fangyun tao and wensong lin*, on the equitable vertex arboricity of graphs, international journal of computer mathematics 93(6) (2016) 844-853.
13.wei dong* and wensong lin, an improved bound on 2-distance coloring plane graphs with girth 5, journal of combinatorial optimization 32(2) (2016) 645-655.
14.yun feng* and wensong lin, on the neighbor sum-distinguishing vertex coloring of a graph, journal of combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing 96 (2016) 171-194.
15.wensong lin*, on (s,t)-relaxed l(2,1)-labeling of graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization, 31(1) (2016) 405-426.
16.damei lv * and wensong lin, l(j,k)-labelings of cartesian products of three complete graphs, ars combinatoria 119 (2015) 97-116.
17.wensong lin* and benqiu dai, on (s,t)-relaxed l(2,1)-labelings of the triangular lattice, journal of combinatorial optimization 29(3) (2015) 655-669.
18.yan sun and wensong lin*, on circular l(2,1)-labelings of products of graphs, international journal of computer mathematics 92(3) (2015) 441- 450.
19.dan he* and wensong lin, on l(1,2)-edge-labelings of some special classes of graphs. j. math. res. appl. 34(4) (2014) 403-413.
20.fangyun tao* and wensong lin, on k-star arboricity of graphs, journal of donghua university (english edition) 31(3) (2014) 335-338.
21.* and wensong lin, , discrete mathematics 336 (2014) 46-56.
22.benqiu dai and wensong lin*, on (s,t)-relaxed l(2,1)-labelings of the square lattice, information processing letters 113(19-21) (2013) 704-709.
23.wei dong* and wensong lin, injective coloring of plane graphs with girth 5, discrete mathematics 315-316 (2014) 120-127.
24.wei dong* and wensong lin, on linear coloring of planar graphs with small girth, discrete applied mathematics 173 (2014) 35-44.
25.pu zhang and wensong lin*, multiple l(j,1)-labeling of the triangular lattice, journal of combinatorial optimization 27(4) (2014) 695-710.
26.dan he* and wensong lin, l(1,2)-edge-labelings for lattices. appl. math. j. chinese univ. ser. b 29(2) (2014) 230-240.
27.yun feng* and wensong lin, adjacent vertex-distinguishing total colorings of, journal of southeast university (english edition) 29(2) (2013) 226-228.
28.fangyun tao and wensong lin*, linear arboricity of cartesian products of graphs, journal of southeast university (english edition) 29(2) (2013) 222-225.
29.yun feng and wensong lin*, a concise proof for total coloring subcubic graphs, information processing letters 113(18) (2013) 664-665.
and jianzhuan wu, distance two edge labelings of lattices,journal of combinatorial optimization25(4) (2013) 661-679.
31.wei dong* and wensong lin, injective coloring of planar graphs with girth 6, discrete mathematics 313(12) (2013) 1302-1311.
32.wensong lin* and jianzhuan wu, on circular-l(2,1)-edge-labeling of graphs, taiwanese journal of mathematics 16(6) (2012) 2063-2075.
33.wensong lin* and pu zhang, on n-fold l(j,k)- and circular l(j, k)-labeling of graphs, discrete applied mathematics 160 (16-17) (2012) 2452-2461.
34.yun feng and wensong lin*, a proof of a conjecture on multiset coloring the powers of cycles,information processing letters 112 (17-18) (2012) 678-682.
35.qin chen and wensong lin*, l(j,k)-labelings and l(j,k)-edge-labelings of graphs, ars combinatoria 106 (2012) 161-172.
36.damei lv, wensong lin* and zengmin song, distance two labelings of cartesian products of complete graphs, ars combinatoria 104 (2012) 33-40.
37.feng wang* and wensong lin, group path covering and l(j,k)-labelings of diameter two graphs, information processing letters 112 (4) (2012) 124-128.
38.feng wang and wensong lin*, group path covering and distance two labeling of graphs, information processing letters 111(13) (2011) 621-625.
39.tianxing yao*, peter che bor lam, wensong lin, guofei zhou, on time-relaxed broadcasting networks, discrete applied mathematics 158(9) (2010) 1029-1034 .
40.wensong lin*, d.d.f. liu, and xuding zhu, multi-coloring the mycielskian of graphs,journal of graph theory 63(4) (2010) 311-323.
41.qiong wu and wensong lin*, circular l(j,k)-labeling numbers of trees and products of graphs, journal of southeast university (english edition) 26(1) (2010) 142-145.
42.wensong lin* and xuding zhu, circular game chromatic number of graphs, discrete mathematics 309 (2009) 4495- 4501.
43.benqiu dai and wensong lin*, real edge spans of distance two labelings of graphs, journal of southeast university (english edition) 25(4) (2009) 557-562.
44.damei lv*, wensong lin and zengmin song, l(2,1)-circular labelings of cartesian products of complete graphs, journal of mathematical research & exposition 29(1) (2009) 91-98.
45.wensong lin* and peter che bor lam, star matching and distance two labeling, taiwanese journal of mathematics 13(1) (2009) 211-224.
46.wensong lin, daqing yang, c. yang, and xuding zhu*, circular consecutive choosability of graphs, taiwanese journal of mathematics 12(4) (2008) 951-968.
47.jianzhuan wu and wensong lin*, some results on circular chromatic number of a graph, journal of southeast university (english edition) 24(2) (2008) 253-256.
48.wensong lin*, multicoloring and mycielski construction, discrete mathematics 308 (2008) 3565-3573.
49.wensong lin* and , distance two labelling and direct products of graphs, discrete mathematics 308 (2008) 3805-3815.
50.jianzhuan wu and wensong lin*, the strong chromatic index of a class of graphs, discrete mathematics 308 (2008) 6254-6261.
51.qingjie niu, wensong lin*, and zengmin song, l(s,t) edge spans of trees and product of two paths, journal of southeast university (english edition) 23(4) (2007) 639-642.
52.peter che bor lam*, wensong lin, and jianzhuan wu, l(j,k)-labellings and circular l(j,k)-labellings of products of complete graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization 14 (2-3) (2007) 219-227.
53.peter che bor lam*, guohua gu, wensong lin, and ping-tsai chung, bounds on the labelling numbers of chordal graphs. fcs 2006: 41-47
54.wensong lin*, jianzhuan wu, peter che bor lam, and guohua gu, several parameters of generalized mycielskians, discrete applied mathematics 154(8) (2006) 1173-1182.
55.wensong lin*, peter che bor lam, and wai chee shiu, circular chromatic numbers of the generalized mycielskians of cycles, journal of nanjing university, mathematical biquarterly 23(2) (2006) 232-241.
56.jianzhuan wu, wensong lin*, and zengmin song, neighborhood unions involving distances and panconnectivity, journal of nanjing university, mathematical biquarterly 23(1) (2006) 36-44.
57.peter che bor lam* and wensong lin, coloring of distance graphs with intervals as distance sets, european journal of combinatorics 26 (2005) 1216-1229.
58.wensong lin*, peter che bor lam, and zengmin song, circular chromatic numbers of some distance graphs, discrete mathematics 292 (2005) 119-130.
59.jianzhuan wu and wensong lin*, circular chromatic numbers and fractional chromatic numbers of distance graphs with distance sets missing an interval, ars combinatoria 70 (2004) 161-168.
60.wensong lin* and guohua gu, a necessary and sufficient condition for a vertex-transitive graph to be star extremal, journal of southeast university (english edition) 20 (3) (2004) 374-377.
61.peter che bor lam*, wensong lin, guohua gu and zengmin song, circular chromatic number and a generalization of the construction of mycielski, journal of combinatorics. theory series b 89 (2003) 195-205.
62.wensong lin*, some star extremal circulant graphs, discrete mathematics 271 (2003) 169-177.
63.wensong lin* and zengmin song, neighborhood union condition with distance for vertex-pancyclicity, ars combinatoria 61 (2001) 119-127.
64.wensong lin*, guohua gu, and zengmin song, fan-type condition and panconnectivity, journal of southeast university (english edition) 16 (1) (2000) 101-105.
65.wensong lin* and zengmin song, neighborhood unions and edge-pancyclicity, ars combinatoria 48 (1998) 81-86.