
  • 个人简介:梁金玲,女,东南大学教授,应用数学专业、网络空间安全专业博士生导师。主要从事复杂网络控制与优化、鲁棒控制与滤波、随机分析、神经网络理论及应用等领域的研究工作。现已在国内外重要学术刊物发表学术sci论文百余篇,初步统计在sci刊物被他引达6000余次。目前主持1项国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持完成1项江苏省杰出青年基金、3项国家自然科学基金项目以及1项国家重点研发计划项目子课题。获得第九届“中国青年女科学家奖”(2012年),并入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(2012年) 、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才(2015年)、江苏省第四期“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年科学技术带头人培养对象。获得江苏省科学技术二等奖(排1)、教育部自然科学二等奖(排2)、2014年以及2019年汤森路透“高被引学者”(highly cited researcher)荣誉称号,2014年至今连续入选爱思维尔中国高被引学者(most cited chinese researcher)榜单。目前担任中国数学会理事、江苏省数学学会副理事长,担(曾)任国际刊物ieee trans. neural netw. learn. syst.、iet contr. theory appl.、neurocomputing、int. j. syst. sci.、proc. inst. mech. eng. part i-j syst control eng.、int. j. comput. math.、sys. sci. control eng.等的副编辑。
    工作经历:1、2012.05-至今,东南大学,复杂系统与网络科学研究中心,教授;2、2007.05-2012.04,东南大学,数学系,副教授;3、2002.05-2007.04,东南大学,数学系,讲师;4、1999.08-2002.04,东南大学,数学系,助教。5、2019.05-06/2016.07-09,香港大学,机械工程系,research associate;6、2017.01-03/2015.07-08,德州农工卡塔尔分校,科学部,postdoctoral research associate;7、2013.07-09,澳大利亚西悉尼大学,计算、工程与数学学院,visiting fellow;8、2011.01-12,英国布鲁奈尔大学,智能数据分析中心(cida),visiting scholar;9、2010.01-03,英国布鲁奈尔大学,信息系统与计算系,visiting fellow;10、2018.01-04,香港城市大学,数学系,research associate。
  • 研究方向:







    1、j. liang, z. wang and f. wang, recursive filtering for 2-d shift-varying systems with communication constraints, crc press, 2022. (isbn: 978-1-003-18921-3)

    2、l. zou, z. wang and j. liang, communication-protocol-based filtering and control of networked systems, springer, 2022. (isbn: 978-3-030-97511-1)

    3、j. cao, f. ren and j. liang, dynamics in artificial higher order neural networks with delays, in:artificial higher order neural networks for economics and business, chapter 18, edited by m. zhang, igi global, hershey, usa, 2008. (isbn: 978-1-59904-897-0)

    4、j. liang, zidong wang and x. liu, on synchronization of coupled delayed neural networks, in: recent advances in nonlinear dynamics and synchronization - theory and applications, chapter 5, edited by k. kyamakya, w.a. halang, h. unger, j.c. chedjou, n.f. rulkov and z. li, pp. 117-149, series: studies in computational intelligence, vol. 254, springer-verlag berlin/heidelberg, germany, 2009. (isbn: 978-3-642-04226-3)


    1. m. li and j. liang, probability-guaranteed distributed estimation for two-dimensional systems under stochastic access protocol, ieee transactions on signal and information processing over networks, 10: 216-226, 2024.

    2. r. wang and j. liang, the effect of multiscale parameters on the spiking properties of the morphological neuron with excitatory autapse, systems science & control engineering,  12(1): 2313865, 2024.

    3. j. zhang, j. lu, j. liang, and j. zhong, average consensus of whole-process privacy protection: a scale parameter method, information fusion, 107: 102312, 2024.

    4. l. tong, j. liang, and y. liu, critical observability of partially observed discrete event systems under cyber attacks, science china: information sciences, 67(2): 129203, 2024.

    5. l. tong and j. liang, fault detectability of asynchronous delayed boolean control networks with sampled-data control, ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 11(1): 724-735, 2024.

    6. c. yang, j. liang, and w. xu, pi observer-based synchronization control for singularly perturbed complex dynamical networks: an improved coding-decoding protocol scheme, ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 11(1): 858-871, 2024.

    7. l. tong, j. liang, and h.-x. hu, fault detectability of asynchronous switched boolean networks: a set reachability approach, ieee/acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 20(6): 3876-3888, 2023.

    8. m. li, j. liang, and j. qiu, set-membership filtering for 2-d systems under uniform quantization and weighted try-once-discard protocol, ieee transactions on circuits and systems-ii: express briefs, 70(9): 3474-3478, 2023.

    9. f. wang, j. liang, j. lam, j. yang, and c. zhao, robust filtering for 2-d systems with uncertain-variance noises and weighted try-once-discard protocols, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 53(5): 2914-2924, 2023. 

    10. j. zhang, j. lu, j. liang, and k. shi, privacy-preserving average consensus in multi-agent systems via partial information transmission, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 53(5): 2781-2791, 2023.

    11. l. tong and j. liang, i-s detectability of partially-observed discrete event systems: a novel matrix-based method, journal of the franklin institute, 360(4): 3436-3458, 2023.

    12. z. yan, x. huang, and j. liang, aperiodic sampled-data control for stabilization of memristive neural networks with actuator saturation: a dynamic partitioning method, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 53(3): 1725-1737, 2023.

    13. r. wang and j. liang, stimulation location encoding on the spike train of neuron models with passive dendrite, applied mathematical modelling, 115: 414-430, 2023.

    14. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and c. silvestre, recursive locally minimum-variance filtering for two-dimensional systems: when dynamic quantization effect meets random sensor failure, automatica, 148: 110762, 2023.

    15. j. wang, j. liang, and j. yang, nonfragile dynamic output-feedback control for positive singular systems under the switched mechanism and round-robin protocol, nonlinear analysis: hybrid systems, 47: 101292, 2023.

    16. x. guo and j. liang, prescribed-time bipartite consensus for signed directed networks on time scales, international journal of control, 96(2): 508-516, 2023.

    17. s. liang, j. liang, and j. qiu, finite-time input-to-state stability of discrete-time stochastic switched systems: a comparison principle based method, international journal of systems science, 54(1): 1-16, 2023.

    18h. chen, z. wang, b. shen, and j. liang, distributed recursive filtering over sensor networks with non-logarithmic sensor resolution, ieee transactions on automatic control, 67(10): 5408-5415, 2022.  

    19. h. chen, z. wang, b. shen, and j. liang, model evaluation of the stochastic boolean control networks, ieee transactions on automatic control, 67(8): 4146-4153, 2022.

    20. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and s.x. ding, recursive distributed filter design for 2-d systems over sensor networks: on component-based, node-wise and dynamic event-triggered scheme, ieee transactions on signal and information processing over networks, 8: 584-596, 2022.

    21. y. wang, j. lu, and j. liang, security control of multi-agent systems under denial-of-service attacks, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 52(6): 4323-4333, 2022.

    22. j. wang, j. liang, l. zhang, and x. ding, non-fragile dynamic output-feedback control for l1-gain performance of positive fm-ii model with pdt switching: an event-triggered mechanism, international journal of robust and nonlinear control, 32(6): 3986-4007, 2022.

    23. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and c. silvestre, a recursive algorithm for secure filtering for two-dimensional state-saturated systems under network-based deception attacks, ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 9(2): 678-688, 2022.

    24. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and j. yang, locally minimum-variance filtering of 2-d systems over sensor networks with measurement degradations: a distributed recursive algorithm, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 52(2): 996-1008, 2022.

    25. l. tong and j. liang, stabilization of impulsive bns with stochastic disturbances: an aperiodic/periodic scheme, ieee transactions on circuits and systems-ii: express briefs, 69(1): 124-128, 2022.

    26. q. li, j. liang, and h. qu, h_infinity estimation for stochastic semi-markovian switching cvnns with missing measurements and mode-dependent delays, neural networks, 141: 281-293, 2021.

    27. j. zhang, j. lu, and j. liang, synchronization of finite field networks with switching multiple communication channels, ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 8(3): 2160-2169, 2021.

    28. j. wang, j. liang, c.-t. zhang, dissipativity analysis and synthesis for positive roesser systems under the switched mechanism and takagi-sugeno fuzzy rules, information sciences, 546: 234-252, 2021.

    29. h. chen, z. wang, j. liang, and m. li, state estimation for stochastic time-varying boolean networks, ieee transactions on automatic control, 65(12): 5480-5487, 2020.

    30. s. gao, j. du, and j. liang, impacts of preferences on the emergence of cooperation, physical review e, 102: 052414, 2020.

    31. s. gao and j. liang, cooperation under institutional incentives with perfect and imperfect observation, physics letters a, 384(28): 126723, 2020.

    32. j. wang, j. liang, and j. qiu, asynchronous l1 control for 2d switched positive systems with parametric uncertainties and impulses, nonlinear analysis: hybrid systems, 37: 100887, 2020.

    33. y. wang, j. lu, x. li, and j. liang, synchronization of coupled neural networks under mixed impulsive effects: a novel delay inequality approach, neural networks, 127: 38-46, 2020.

    34. s. gao, j. du, and j. liang, evolution of cooperation under punishment, physical review e, 101(6): 062419, 2020.

    35. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and x. liu, recursive distributed filtering for two-dimensional shift-varying systems over sensor networks under stochastic communication protocols, automatica, 115: 108865, 2020.

    36. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and x. liu, event-triggered recursive filtering for shift-varying linear repetitive processes, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 50(4): 1761-1770, 2020.

    37. h. chen and j. liang, local synchronization of interconnected boolean networks with stochastic disturbances, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(2): 452-463, 2020.

    38. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and x. liu, recursive state estimation for two-dimensional shift-varying systems with random parameter perturbation and dynamical bias, automatica, 112: 108658, 2020.  

    39. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and x. liu, robust finite-horizon filtering for two-dimensional systems with randomly varying sensor delays, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 50(1): 220-232, 2020.

    40. j. liang, f. wang, z. wang, and x. liu, minimum-variance recursive filtering for two-dimensional systems with degraded measurements: boundedness and monotonicity, ieee transactions on automatic control, 64(10): 4153-4166, 2019.

    41. l. li, x. shi, and j. liang, synchronization of impulsive coupled complex-valued neural networks with delay: the matrix measure method, neural networks, 117: 285-294, 2019.

    42. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and x. liu, resilient state estimation for two-dimensional time-varying systems with redundant channels: a variance-constrained approach, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(7): 2479-2489, 2019.

    43. p. liu, x. nie, j. liang, and j. cao, multiple mittag-leffler stability of fractional-order competitive neural networks with gaussian activation functions, neural networks, 108: 452-465, 2018.

    44. x. guo, j. liang, and j. lu, asymmetric bipartite consensus over directed networks with antagonistic interactions, iet control theory & applications, 12(17): 2295-2301, 2018.

    45. j. liang, f. wang, z. wang, and x. liu, robust kalman filtering for two-dimensional systems with multiplicative noises and measurement degradations: the finite-horizon case, automatica, 96: 166-177, 2018.

    46. f. wang, z. wang, j. liang, and x. liu, resilient filtering for linear time-varying repetitive processes under uniform quantizations and round-robin protocols, ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular papers, 65(9): 2992-3004, 2018.

    47. f. wang, j. liang, z. wang, and x. liu, a variance-constrained approach to recursive filtering for nonlinear two-dimensional systems with measurement degradations,  ieee transactions on cybernetics, 48(6): 1877-1887, 2018.

    48. h. chen, j. liang, j. lu, and j. qiu, synchronization for the realisation-dependent probabilistic boolean networks, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(4): 819-831, 2018.  

    49. f. wang and j. liang, constrained h_infinity estimation for time-varying networks with hybrid incomplete information, international journal of robust and nonlinear control, 28(2): 699-715, 2018.  

    50. f. wang, j. liang, and a. m. dobaie, resilient filtering for time-varying stochastic coupling networks under the event-triggering scheduling, international journal of general systems, 47(5): 491-505, 2018.

  • 科研项目及获得人才基金情况

    1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2024.01--027.12

    2、国家重点研发计划重点专项子课题, 2019.12--2023.12;















    9、汤森路透“高被引学者(highly cited researcher)(2014年、2019年)

    l0、汤森路透(科睿唯安)中国高被引学者(most cited chinese researcher);

    1l、国际刊物ieee transactions on automatic control以及asian journal of control 2011年度杰出审稿人


  • 国际期刊副编辑任职:

    1、ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems (2013--2018) (isnn: 2162-237x)

    2、iet control theory & applications (2012--2023) (isnn: 1751-8644)

    3、international journal of computer mathematics(2012--2016) (isnn: 0020-7160)

    4、systems science and control engineering (2012--至今) (isnn: 2164-2583) 

    5、neurocomputing (2008--2013, 2019--至今) (isnn: 0925-2312)

    6、proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part i: journal of systems and control engineering (2023--至今) (issn: 0959-6518) 

    7、international journal of systems science (2021--至今) (isnn:  0020-7721)









    1. program co-chair for the iwcsn2023: 2023 ieee international workshop on complex systems and networks (december 19-21 2023, wuhan, china)

    2. member of the program committee for the ccc2023: the 42nd chinese control conference (july 24-26 2023, tianjin, china)

    3. technical committee of the icara 2022: the 8th international conference on automation, robotics and applications (february 18-20, 2022, prague, czech republic)

    4. member of the program committee for the icist 2020: the 10th international conference on information science and technology (september 09-15, 2020, bath, united kingdom) 

    5. member of the program committee for the aiaim 2019: the china-qatar international workshop on artificial intelligence and applications to intelligent manufacturing (january 01-04, 2019, doha, qatar)

    6.  member of the program committee for the iconip 2018: the 25th international conference on neural information processing (december 13-16, 2018, siem reap, cambodia)

    7. session chair of the posta 2018: the 6th international conference on positive systems (august 25-27, 2018, hangzhou, china) 

    8. member of the program committee for the ccc2018: the 37th chinese control conference (july 25-27 2018, wuhan, china)

    9. member of the program committee for the icist 2018: the 8th international conference on information science and technology (june 30-july 6, 2018, andalusia, spain)

    10. member of the program committee for the icaci 2017: the 9th international conference on advanced computational intelligence (february 04-06 2017, doha, qatar)

    11. member of the program committee for the iwcsn 2017: the 14th international workshop on complex systems and networks (december 08-10 2017, doha, qatar)

    12. member of the program committee for the cac2017&cimic2017: 2017 chinese automation congress & china intelligent manufacturing international conference (october 20-22 2017, jinan, china)

    13. member of the program committee for the ccc2017: the 36th chinese control conference (july 26-28 2017, dalian, china)

    14. member of the international program committee for the isnn2017: the 14th international symposium on neural networks (june 21-23, 2017, sapporo, japan)

    15. member of the program committee for the ccc2016: the 35th chinese control conference (july 27-29, 2016, chengdu, china)

    16. member of the program committee for the wcica2016: the 12th world congress on intelligent control and automation (june 12-15, 2016, guilin, china)

    17. member of the program committee for the icaci 2016: the 8th international conference on advanced computational intelligence (february 14-16, 2016, chiang mai, thailand)
