
  • 付俊杰,东南大学数学学院教授,博士生导师,入选国家级青年人才计划,东南大学仲英青年学者,至善青年学者 (https://junjiefu.github.io/)。2011年毕业于北京大学工学院理论与应用力学系,获学士学位。2016 年至2017 年期间,于澳大利亚墨尔本大学联合培养。2017年毕业于北京大学工学院力学系统与控制系,获博士学位。研究方向包括动态受限多智能体系统分布式协同控制,数据驱动建模与控制,分布式模型预测控制,安全强化学习等。在automatica, ieee trans.等控制领域知名期刊已发表sci论文50余篇,申请并受理国家发明专利8项。主持国家部委项目、教育部项目、国自然面上及青年项目、江苏省杰出青年基金项目、江苏省青年项目等多项。作为研究骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、国家重点研发计划项目课题1项、装备预研教育部联合基金项目2项,中船重工横向课题项目等多项。曾担任多个国际国内会议组织委员会共同主席,包括2018中国网络科学论坛、2018iwcsn、2019icfta、2021中国系统科学大会等。目前为中国指挥与控制学会网络科学与工程专委会副总干事,中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会多自主体控制分委会委员,ieee senior member。
    • 1. 多智能体系统协同控制
    • 2. 分布式模型预测控制
    • 3. 高斯过程学习及数据驱动协同控制
    • 4. 多机器人分布式信息收集
    • 5. 安全强化学习、多智能体强化学习
    2017-至今 东南大学数学学院
    • 2011.9-2017.7 北京大学工学院动力学系统与控制系 博士就读;
    • 2016.7-2017.2 墨尔本大学电子电器工程系 博士联合培养;
    • 2007.9-2011.7 北京大学工学院理论与应用力学专业 本科就读.
  • 招生方向:

    博士—— 系统科学;

    硕士 ——数学、系统科学。



    1.      y. hu, j. fu*, g. wen, y. lv, w. ren. distributed entropy-regularized multi-agent reinforcement learning with policy consensus. automatica (regular paper). volume 164, 111652, 2024

    2.   y. wang, m. tang,      j. fu*. distributed learning-based visual coverage control of multiple      mobile aerial agents. journal of the frankline institute,      361, 5, 2024, 106683

    3.      y. hu, j. fu*, g. wen. graph soft actor-critic reinforcement learning for large-scale distributed multi-robot coordination. ieee transactions on neural network and learning systems.10.1109/tnnls.2023.3329530

    4.      j. fu*, g. wen, x. yu, safe consensus tracking with full state and input guarantees: a control barrier function based approach. ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 68, no.12,  8075-8081, 2023

    5.      y. hu, j. fu*, g. wen, decentralized robust collision avoidance for cooperative multi-robot systems: a gaussian process based control barrier function approach. ieee transactions on control of networked systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 706-717, 2023.

    6.      j. fu*, g. wen, x. yu, t. huang, robust collision avoidance formation navigation of velocity and input constrained multi-robot systems. ieee transactions on cybernetics,vol. 54, no. 3, pp 2168-2267, march 2024

    7.      y. hu, j. fu*, g. wen, safe reinforcement learning for model-reference trajectory tracking of uncertain unicycle robots with model-based acceleration.  ieee transactions on intelligent vehicles, vol. 8, no. 3, pp 2332-2344, 2023

    8.      j. fu*, y. lv and w. yu, “robust adaptive time-varying region tracking control of multi-robot systems,”science china. vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 159202, 2023.

    9.      d. liu, m. tang, j. fu*, robust adaptive trajectory tracking for wheeled mobile robots based on gaussian process regression, systems and control letters, vol. 163, 105210, 2022.

    10. j. fu*, g. wen, x. yu and z. wu, “distributed formation      navigation of constrained second-order multiagent systems with collision      avoidance and connectivity maintenance,” ieee transactions on      cybernetics. vol. 52, no. 4, 2149-2162, 2022

    11. j. fu*, y. lv, g. wen and x. yu,      local measurement based formation navigation of nonholonomic robots      with globally bounded inputs and collision avoidance, ieee      transactions on network science and engineering, vol. 8, no. 3, 2342-2354, 2021.

    12.   j. fu*, y. lv, g. wen, x. yu and t. huang, “velocity and input constrained coordination of second-order multi-agent systems with relative output information,” ieee transactions on network science and engineering. vol. 7, no. 3, 1925-1938, 2020.

    13.   j. fu*, y. wan, and t. huang, “event-triggered finite-time practical consensus of multiagent systems with general directed communication graphs,” international journal of robust and nonlinear control, vol. 30, pp. 7255-7277, 2020.

    14.   j. fu, g. wen*, w. yu, t. huang and x. yu, consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with both velocity and input constraints, ieee transactions on industrial electronics. vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 7946-7955, 2019.

    15.   j. fu, g. wen*, t. huang and z. duan, consensus of multi-agent systems with heterogeneous input saturation levels, ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs. vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 1053-1057, 2019.

    16.   j. fu*, y. wan, g. wen and t. huang, distributed robust global containment control of second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation, ieee transactions on control of network systems. vol.6, no. 4, pp. 1426-1437, 2019.

    17.   j. fu*, y. lv and t. huang, distributed anti-windup approach for consensus tracking of second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation, systems & control letters, vol. 130, pp. 1-6, 2019.

    18.   j. fu*, q. wang and j. wang, robust finite-time consensus tracking for second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation under general directed communication graphs, international journal of control. vol. 92, no. 8, pp. 1785-1795, 2019.

    19.   j. fu, g. wen*, w. yu and z. ding, finite-time consensus for second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation, ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 1758-1762, nov. 2018.

    20.   j. fu, g. wen*, w. yu, t. huang and j. cao, exponential consensus of multi-agent systems with lipschitz nonlinearities using sampled-data information, ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 4363-4375, dec. 2018.

    21.   j. fu, j. wang*and z. li, leader-following control of perturbed second-order integrator systems with binary relative information, international journal of systems science, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 485-493, 2017.

    22.   j. fu and j. wang*, finite-time consensus for multi-agent systems with globally bounded convergence time under directed communication graphs, international journal of control, vol. 90, no. 9, pp. 1807-1817, 2017.

    23.   j. fu* and j. wang, observer-based finite-time coordinated tracking for general linear multi-agent systems, automatica, vol. 66, pp. 231-237, 2016.

    24.   j. fu and j. wang*, fixed-time coordinated tracking for second-order multi-agent systems with bounded input uncertainties, systems and control letters, vol. 93, pp. 1-12, 2016.

    25.   j. fu and j. wang*, robust finite-time containment control for high-order multi-agent systems with matched uncertainties under directed communication graphs, international journal of control, vol. 89, no. 6. pp. 1137-1151, 2016.

    26.   j. fu and j. wang*, robust finite-time containment control of general linear multi-agent systems under directed communication graphs, journal of the franklin institute, vol. 353, no. 12, pp. 2670-2689, 2016.

    27.   j. fu and j. wang*, adaptive motion coordination of passive systems under quantization effect, international journal of robust and nonlinear control, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1638-1653, 2015.

    28.   j. fu and j. wang*, adaptive coordinated tracking of multi-agent systems with quantized information, systems and control letters, vol. 74, pp. 115-125, 2014.

    29.   j. fu and j. wang*, output consensus of heterogeneous linear systems with quantized information, journal of the franklin institute, vol. 351, no. 3. pp. 1400-1418, 2014.

    30.   j. fu and j. wang*,adaptive consensus tracking of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed communication graphs, international journal of control, automation and systems, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 919-929, 2014.

    31.   y. hu, j. fu, g. wen, c. sun. policy consensus distributed  multi-agent reinforcement learning. ieee transactions on artificial intelligence. (accepted)

    32.   g. wen, j. fu, x. yu, distributed mpc based collision avoidance formation navigation of constrained multiple unmanned surface vehicles  ieee transactions on intelligent vehicles. vol. 9, no. 1, 1804-1816, 1/2024

    33.   x. lei, g. wen*, w. zheng, j. fu, “security strategy against location-varying sparse attack on distributed state monitoring”, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol 69, no. 4, pp. 2514-2521, 2024

    34.   y. zhou, g. wen*, w. yan, j. fu, “consensus tracking control for general hybrid multi-agent systems: a model-free approach, automatica, vol. 156, 111198, 2023.

    35.   c. hu, j. fu, g. wen*, s. wang, w. yu, “distributed multi-agent reinforcement learning with action networks for dynamic economic dispatch,” ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, doi:10.1109/tnnls.2023.3234049

    36.   g. wen*, y. lv, w. zheng, j. zhou, j. fu, joint robustness of time-varying networks and its applications to resilient consensus, ieee transactions on automatic control (regular paper), vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 6466-6480, 2023.

    37.   t. liu, m. liu, g. wen*, y. lv and j. fu, consensus of linear mimo multi-agent systems: appointed-time reduced-order observer-based protocols,  ieee transactions on cybernetics. vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 10604-10610, 2022

    38.   g. wen*, x. yu, j. fu, h. wang and w. yu, “fast distributed average tracking in multi-agent networks: the case with general linear agent dynamics,” ieee transactions on control of network systems. vol.8 no. 2, pp. 997-1009,2021

    39.   y. lv, j. fu, g. wen*, t. huang and x. yu, fully distributed anti-windup consensus protocols for linear mass with input saturation: the case with directed topology, ieee transactions on cybernetics. vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 2359-2371, 2021.

    40.   f. tian, w. yu*, j. fu, w. gu and j. gu,  distributed optimization of multi-agent systems subject to inequality constraints, ieee transactions on cybernetics. vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 2232-2241, 2021

    41.   g. wen*, j. fu, p. dai, j. zhou, “dtdea new cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning framework”, the innovation, vol. 2, no. 4, 100162, 2021.

    42.   y. lv, j. fu, g. wen* and x. yu, “distributed adaptive observer-based control for output consensus of heterogeneous mass with input saturation constrain,” ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers. vol. 67, no. 3, 995-1007, 2020.

    43.   y. lv, j. fu, g. wen*, x. yu and t. huang, “on consensus of multi-agent systems with input saturation: fully distributed adaptive anti-windup protocol design approach,” ieee transactions on control of network systems, vol.7 no.3, pp. 1127-1139, 2020.

    44.   h. hong, w. yu*, j. fu and x. yu, finite-time connectivity-preserving consensus for second-order nonlinear multiagent systems, ieee transactions on control of network systems, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 236-248, march 2019.

    45.   h. hong, w. yu, j. fu and x. yu*, a novel class of distributed fixed-time consensus protocols for second-order nonlinear and disturbed multi-agent systems, ieee transactions on network science and engineering. vol. 6, no. 4, 760-772, october 2019.

    46.   f. mei, h. wang, y. yao, j. fu, x. yuan and w. yu*, robust second-order finite-time formation control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems on directed communication graphs, iet control theory & applications, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 816-823, 2020.

    47.   y. yao, f. tian, f. mei, j. fu, b. dai and w. yu*. dynamical economic dispatch using distributed barrier function-based optimization algorithm. science china (technological sciences) vol. 62, pp. 2104–2112, 2019.

    48.   w. zhang , j. qin, f. mei, j. fu, b. dai and w. yu*, short-term power load forecasting using integrated methods based on long short-term memory,  science china (technological sciences), 063(004): pp.614-624, 2020.

    49.   q. wang, j. fu, and j. wang*. fully distributed containment control of high-order multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics, systems & control letters, vol. 99, pp. 33-39, 2017.

    50.   q. wang, j. fu and j. wang*, cooperative tracking for high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems via adaptive control, iet control theory and applications, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1592-1600, 2018.




    1. he s, tang m, fu j, liang j. “distributed online sparse gaussian process learning for optimal coverage control in unknown environment”, 2023 chinese control conference (ccc), ieee, 2023.

    2. hao f, hu y, fu j, liang j. “reinforcement learning based data collection with charge station”, 2023 chinese control and decision conference (ccdc), ieee, 2023.

    3. ai l, hu y, fu j. “deep reinforcement learning-based unmanned aerial vehicle mobile crowd sensing with landing constraints”, 2023 chinese control conference (ccc), ieee, 2023.

    4. wang y, fu j, tang m, wang s, wen g. “collision avoidance visual coverage control of multiple second-order mobile aerial agents”, 2023 ieee international conference on advanced robotics and mechatronics (icarm), ieee, 2023.

    5. chen x, fu j, zhou j and li y. distributed reinforcement learning algorithm for multi-wave fire fighting scheduling problem. ifac-papersonline, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 245-250. 2022.

    6. lei y, wan y, fu j, hu b. nsga-ii based electric vehicle charging scheduling for daily commuting. in 2022 34th chinese control and decision conference (ccdc) (pp. 2888-2893). ieee. 2022.

    7. dan l, fu j. gaussian process based trajectory tracking for nonholonomic robots with velocity constraints. 2022 ieee international conference on industrial technology (icit). ieee, 2022.

    8. li y, hu c, fu j, wang s, “dynamic economic dispatch of thermal-wind-storage systems based on reinforcement learning,” 2022 4th international conference on data-driven optimization of complex systems (docs), 2022

    9. hu j, fu j, wen g. collision avoidance formation navigation of multiple rectangle-shaped agents based on distributed model predictive control. 2022 international conference on advanced robotics and mechatronics (icarm). ieee, 2022.

    10. fu j, wen g. data-driven robust distributed mpc for collision avoidance formation navigation of constrained nonholonomic multi-robot systems. 2022 4th international conference on data-driven optimization of complex systems (docs). ieee, 2022.

    11. fu j, wen g. gaussian process based non-myopic cooperative exploration of multiple robots. 2022 ieee international conference on unmanned systems (icus). ieee, 2022.

    12. wang y and fu j. adaptive coverage control for multi-agent systems in unknown environments. in 2021 5th chinese conference on swarm intelligence and cooperative control, pp. 1101-1111. 2021.

    13. hu y, fu j and lv y. a class of optimal control problem for stochastic discrete-time systems with average reward reinforcement learning. in 2021 4th ieee international conference on industrial cyber-physical systems (icps), pp. 829-834. ieee, 2021.

    14. tang m and fu j. nonparametric adaptive trajectory tracking control of uncertain euler-lagrange systems. in 2021 4th ieee international conference on industrial cyber-physical systems (icps), pp. 852-857. ieee, 2021.

    15. lv y, zhou j, wen g, fu j, yu x, and huang t. adaptive attack-free output-feedback consensus protocol for nonlinear mass. in 2020 ieee 16th international conference on control & automation (icca), pp. 1296-1301. ieee, 2020.

    16. luo z, fu j, liu z, and yu j. bayesian network based ant colony optimization algorithm for usv path planning in a dynamic environment. in 2020 7th international conference on information, cybernetics, and computational social systems (iccss), pp. 547-551. ieee, 2020.

    17. wen g, lv y, zhou j, and fu j. sufficient and necessary condition for resilient consensus under time-varying topologies. in 2020 7th international conference on information, cybernetics, and computational social systems (iccss), pp. 84-89. ieee, 2020.

    18. lv y, zhou j, fu j, wen g and huang t. consensus of multiple lur'e systems for directed communication graphs with distributed adaptive relative output feedback protocol. proceedings of the ieee international conference on industrial technology, pp. 1430-1435, 2019.

    19. lv y, fu j, zhou j, wen g and yu x. distributed adaptive anti-windup consensus tracking of networked systems with switching topologies. in 2019 ieee 28th international symposium on industrial electronics (isie), pp. 1793-1798. ieee, 2019.

    20. fang x, fu j and lv y. containment of linear multi-agent systems with reduced-order protocols over signed graphs. in 2019 china-qatar international workshop on artificial intelligence and applications to intelligent manufacturing (aiaim), pp. 6-10. ieee, 2019.

    21. zhao d and fu j. observer-based adaptive fault-tolerant consensus tracking of multi-agent systems. in 2019 china-qatar international workshop on artificial intelligence and applications to intelligent manufacturing (aiaim), pp. 30-35. ieee, 2019.

    22. fu j, lv y, zhou j and wen g. consensus tracking of second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation under general directed communication graph. in 2019 ieee 28th international symposium on industrial electronics (isie), pp. 1787-1792. ieee, 2019.

    23. fu j, wen g, lv y and huang t. barrier function based consensus of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with state constraints. in international conference on neural information processing, pp. 492-503. springer, cham, 2019.

    24. fu j, wen g. sampled-data consensus of lipschitz nonlinear multi-agent systems under directed communication graphs [c]// 2018 33rd youth academic annual conference of chinese association of automation (yac), nanjing, 2018, pp. 18-23.

    25. fu j, wang j. robust global finite-time attitude coordination for multiple spacecraft [c]// 2018 37th chinese control conference (ccc). ieee, 2018, pp. 6622-6627.

    26. fu j, huang t, wen g. global leader-following control of multiple non-holonomic mobile robots with input saturation [c]// 2018 15th international conference on control, automation, robotics and vision (icarcv), ieee, 2018, pp. 862-867.

    27. fu j, tan y, wang j. output feedback consensus tracking for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed communication graphs[c]//control and decision conference (ccdc), 2017 29th chinese. ieee, 2017: 5448-5452.

    28. fu j, wang j, tan y, et al. sampled-data leader-following rendezvous with input saturation[c]//control & automation (icca), 2017 13th ieee international conference on. ieee, 2017: 530-535. 

    29. li x, tan y, fu j, mareels i. on v-shaped flight formation of bird flocks with visual communication constraints. in2017 13th ieee international conference on control & automation (icca) 2017 jul 3 (pp. 513-518).

    30. fu j, wen g, yu w, et al. consensus tracking of second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation under sampled-data communication[c]// chinese automation congress, 2017: 4838-4843.

    31. hong h, yu w, wen g, fu j. robust consensus tracking for heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with disturbances [c]// asian control conference, 2017: 729-734.

    32. fu j, wang q, and wang j. global saturated finite-time consensus tracking for uncertain second-order multi-agent systems with directed communication graphs [c]// the 35th chinese control conference (2016 ccc). ieee, 2016: 7684-7689.

    33. wang q, fu j, and wang j. observer-based adaptive containment control for multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics under directed graphs. [c]// the 12th world congress on intelligent control and automation. ieee, 2016: 360-365.

    34. wang q, fu j, and wang j. cooperative tracking for high-order lipschitz nonlinear multi-agent systems via adaptive control [c]// the 35th chinese control conference (2016 ccc). ieee, 2016: 7961-7966.

    35. fu j, wang q, and wang j. robust finite-time consensus tracking for second-order multi-agent systems with reduced communication [c]// the 55th conference on decision and control (cdc). ieee, 2016: 6086-6091.

    36. fu j, wang j. terminal sliding mode control based finite-time coordinated tracking for disturbed high-order integrator systems[c]//control and decision conference (ccdc), 2015 27th chinese. ieee, 2015: 44-49.

    37. fu j, wang j, and li z. fully distributed finite-time leader-following control for high-order integrator systems with directed communication graphs[c]// the 34th chinese control conference (2015 ccc). ieee, 2015: 6912-6917

    38. wang q, fu j, and wang j. leader-follower consensus for high-order integrator systems with lipschitz nonlinear dynamics [c]// the 34th chinese control conference (2015 ccc). ieee, 2015: 7096-7101.

    39. fu j, wang j. leader-following control of second-order integrator systems using binary information[c]//control and decision conference (2014 ccdc), the 26th chinese. ieee, 2014: 263-268.

    40. fu j, wang j. observer-based finite-time coordinated tracking for high-order integrator systems with matched uncertainties under directed communication graphs[c]//control & automation (icca), 11th ieee international conference on. ieee, 2014: 880-885.

    41. fu j, wang j. finite-time coordinated tracking for high-order uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed communication graphs[c]// the 33th chinese control conference (2014 ccc). ieee, 2014:1081-1086.

    42. fu j, wang j. adaptive consensus tracking of linear multi-agent systems with matching nonlinear uncertainties[c]//control conference (ccc), 2013 32nd chinese. ieee, 2013: 6773-6778.

  • 项目

    • 复杂多自主体系统高效分布式避障协同控制研究及应用,国家自然科学基金面上基金(grant no. 61722303), 2022/01-2025/12, 在研,主持

    • 复杂多智能体系统输入饱和有限时间一致性控制,国家自然科学基金青年基金(grant no. 61722303), 已结题,主持

    • 输入饱和复杂多智能体系统采样一致性控制,江苏省自然科学基金青年基金 (grant no. bk20170695), 已结题,主持

    • xxx教育部联合基金一般项目,6141a020223,无人集群系统分布式自主协同通信与控制关键技术,2018/01-2019/12,100万,已结题,参与

    • 中船重工716所横向课题,面向协同的水面无人艇智能航行技术研究,2018/09-2019/10,68万,已结题,参与

    • 国家部委xxx项目,xxx的数学理论分析与高效处理技术,2019/09-2021/09,200万,已结题,参与


    • 2022 中国指挥与控制学会科技进步一等奖(排2/15)

    • 2023 apnns young researcher award

    • 2023 江苏省自动化学会青年科技奖

    • 2023 江苏省百篇优秀学术论文

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