47. yibo wang, wanrong cao*, exponential integrator for stochastic strongly damped wave equation based on the wong-zakai approximation, journal of computational and applied mathematics, 437 (2024), 115459.
46. nan deng, wanrong cao*, on strong convergence of two numerical methods for singular initial value problems with multiplicative white noise, journal of computational and applied mathematics, 445 (2024), 115801.
45. chengqiang xu, yibo wang, wanrong cao*, on strong convergence of a fully discrete scheme for solving stochastic strongly damped wave equations, numerical methods for partial differential equations, doi: 10.1002/num.23094, 2024.
44. shengyue li, wanrong cao*, on spectral petrov–galerkin method for solving optimal control problem governed by fracional diffusion equations with fractional noise, journal of scientific computing, 94 (2023), 62.
43. yibo wang, wanrong cao*, strong 1.5 order scheme for fractional langevin equation based on spectral approximation of white noise, numerical algorithm, doi: 10.1007/s11075-023-01576-z, 2023.
42. hong sun, wanrong cao*, ming zhang, energy stability of a temporal variable-step difference scheme for time-fractional nonlinear fourth-order reaction–diffusion equation, international journal of computer mathematics, 100 (5) (2023), 991-1008.
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39. wanrong cao, zhaopeng hao, zhognqiang zhang*, optimal strong convergence of finite element methods for one-dimensional stochastic elliptic equations with fractional noise, journal of scientific computing, 91 (2022), 1.
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36. yufen liu, wanrong cao*, yulin li, split-step balanced theta-method for sdes with non-globally lipschitz continuous coefficients, applied mathematics and computation, 413 (2022), 126437.
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34. yibo wang, wanrong cao*, shengyue li, a spectral petrov-galerkin method for optimal control problem governed by a fractional ordinary differential equation, applied numerical mathematics, 177 (2022), 18-33.
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