
wenying xu
system science department
  • 2014.08-2017.07 department of mathematics, city university of hong kong, phd
  • research interests

    distributed event/self-triggered control

    distributed optimization and game theory

    the modeling and analysis of complex networked system

    distributed networked secure control

    selected journal papers

    [j1] wenying xu,wangli he, daniel w. c. ho, and jurgen kurths. fully distributed observer-based consensus protocol: adaptive dynamic event-triggered schemes, automaticaaccept as regular paper.

    [j2] wenying xu, zidong wang, liang hu, and jurgen kurths, state estimation under joint false data injection attacks: dealing with constraints and insecurity, ieee transactions on automatic control, doi: 10.1109/tac.2021.3131145.

    [j3] wenying xu, jurgen kurths, guanghui wen, and xinghuo yu, resilient event-triggered control strategies for second-order consensus, ieee transactions on automatic control, doi: 10.1109/tac.2021.3122382.

    [j4] wangli he, wenying xu, xiaohua ge, qing-long han, wenli du, and feng qian, security control of multi-agent systems against malicious attacks: a brief survey, ieee transactions on industrial informatics, doi: 10.1109/tii.2021.3126644. 

    [j5] shengli du, wenying xu, junfei qiao, and daniel w. c. ho, resilient output synchronization of heterogeneous multiagent systems under event/self-triggered control, ieee transactions on control of network systems, doi: 10.1109/tnnls.2021.3105006.

    [j6] xuegang tan, ming cao, jinde cao, wenying xu and yiping luo, event-triggered synchronization of multi-agent systems with partial input saturation , ieee transactions on control of network systems, doi: 10.1109/tcns.2021.3065667.

    [j7] xuegang tan, changcheng xiang, jinde cao*, wenying xu*, guanghui wen, and leszek rutkowski, synchronization of neural networks via periodic self-triggered impulsive control and its application in image encryption, ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/tcyb.2021.3049858.

    [j8]  wenying xu, shaofu yang, jinde cao, fully distributed self-triggered control for second-order consensus of multi-agent systems, ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems,56(6), 3541–3551, 2021. 

    [j9] zhiyi chen, xinghuo yu, wenying xu and guanghui wen, modelling and control of islanded dc microgrid clusters with hierarchical event-triggered consensus algorithm, ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 68(1), 376–386, 2021.

    [j10]  wenying xu, guoqiang hu, daniel wc ho, zhi feng, distributed secure cooperative control under denial-of-service attacks from multiple adversaries, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 50(8), 3458-3467, 2020. 

    [j11]  wenying xu, daniel w.c. ho, jie zhong, bo chen, event/self-triggered control for leader-following consensus over unreliable networks with dos attacks, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 30(10), 3137-3139, 2019. 

    [j12]  xiaoyang liu, daniel w.c. ho, qiang song, wenying xu, finite/fixed-time pinning synchro- nization of complex networks with stochastic disturbances, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(6), 2398-2403, 2019. 

    [j13]  wenying xu, zidong wang, daniel w.c. ho, finite-horizon h∞ consensus for multiagent systems with redundant channels via an observer-type event-triggered scheme, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 48(5), 1567-1576, 2018. 

    [j14]  wenying xu, jinde cao, an overview of recent progress in the study of event-triggered coordinated schemes of multi-agent systems, journal of nanjing university of information science & technology, 48(5), 10(4), 395-400 2018. 

    [j15]  jie zhong, daniel w.c. ho, jianquan lu, wenying xu, global robust stability and stabilization of boolean network with disturbances, automatica, 84, 142-148, 2017. 

    [j16]  wenying xu, guanrong chen, daniel w.c. ho, a layered event-triggered consensus scheme, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 47(8), 2334-2340, 2017.

    [j17]  wenying xu, daniel w.c. ho, lulu li, jinde cao, event-triggered schemes on leader-following consensus of general linear multi-agent systems under different topologies, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 47(1), 212-223, 2017. 

    [j18]  xiaoyang liu, daniel w.c. ho, jinde cao, wenying xu, discontinuous observers design for finite- time consensus of multi-agent systems with external disturbances, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 28(11), 2826-2830, 2017. 

    [j19]  wenying xu, daniel w.c. ho, clustered event-triggered consensus analysis: an impulsive framework, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, 63(11), 7133-7143, 2016. (if=7.503, jcr 一区,top 期刊)

    [j20]  wenying xu, jinde cao, min xiao, daniel w.c. ho, guanghui wen, a new framework for analysis on stability and bifurcation in a class of neural networks with discrete and distributed delays, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 45(10), 2224-2236, 2015. 

    • 2018              alexander von humboldt fellowship, alexan von humboldt foundation, germany

    • 2017              outstanding reviewer of 2017, ieee transactions on cybernetics

    • 2016              chow yei ching school of graduate studies scholarship,  city university of hong kong

    • 2016              outstanding academic performance award, city university of hong kong

    • 2015-2016      research tuition scholarship,  city university of hong kong

    • 2015              outstanding master degree thesis award, jiangsu provincial department of education

    • 2015              outstanding master degree thesis award,  southeast university 

    • 2014              outstanding postgraduate of southeast university, southeast university
