jinde cao - selected publications
evidence of impact:
1. h-index = 128 according to isi-web of science 2024
2. 2013 - 2014, highly cited researcher in mathematics and engineering, thomson reuters and 2015 - 2022, highly cited researcher in mathematics, engineering and computer science, clarivate analytics
3. 2014 - present, most cited chinese researchers, elsevier
some representative publications:
1. jinde cao, jun wang, global asymptotic stability of a general class of recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays, ieee trans. circuits syst.-i, 50:1(2003), 34-44
2. jinde cao, global stability conditions for delayed cnns, ieee trans. circuits syst.-i, 48:11(2001), 1330-1333 (this article received the thomson reuters research fronts award 2008)
3. jinde cao, jinling liang, boundedness and stability for cohen-grossberg neural networks with time-varying delays, j. math. anal. appl., 296:2(2004), 665-685
4. jinde cao, guanrong chen, ping li, global synchronization in an array of delayed neural networks with hybrid coupling, ieee trans. systems, man, and cybernetics-part b: cybernetics, 38:2(2008)488-498
5. jinde cao, ying wan, matrix measure strategies for stability and synchronization of inertial bam neural network with time delays, neural networks, 53 (2014)165-172
6. xinsong yang, jinde cao, zhichun yang, synchronization of coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks with time-varying delays via pinning-impulsive controller, siam journal on control and optimization, 51:5(2013) 3486-3510
7. jinde cao, xiaolin li, stability in delayed cohen-grossberg neural networks: lmi optimization approach, physica d: nonlinear phenomena, 212:1-2(2005), 54-65
8. xinsong yang, jinde cao, jianquan lu, stochastic synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical nodes via hybrid adaptive and impulsive control, ieee trans. circuits syst.-i, 59:2(2012) 371-384
9. jinde cao, qiankun song, stability in cohen-grossberg type bam neural networks with time-varying delays, nonlinearity, 19:7 (2006) 1601-1617
10. jianquan lu, jinde cao, adaptive complete synchronization of two identical or different chaotic (hyperchaotic) systems with fully unknown parameters, chaos, 15(2005) 043901