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leakage term  7tsemilinear nonlocal problems without the assumptions of compactness in banach spaces 7l�)y4l 7 �sh�[(���\o�) 7/a method of constructing braided hopf algebras  70on corepresentations of multiplier hopf algebras 7 zhijun qiao 7ei 7 mikio kanoian optimal replacement policy for a multistate degenerative simple system 7�_teyit-stability of the semi-implicit euler method for delay differential equations with multiplicative noise. 7rexistence of solutions for nonperiodic superquadratic hamiltonian elliptic systems 7chomoclinic orbits of nonperiodic super quadratic hamiltonian system 7;note on 2-rainbow domination and roman domination in graphs 7star-uniform graphs 7(multi-coloring the mycielskian of graphs 7@circular l(j,k)-labeling numbers of trees and products of graphs 7_asymptotic behavior of traveling fronts and entire solutions for a nonlocal monostable equation 7-the generalized superoptimal preconditioner  7wmultiple positive solutions for a dirichlet problem involving critical sobolev exponent 76bitwistor and quasitriangular structures of bialgebras 7pstochastic averaging in continuous time and its applications to extremum seeking 7.extensions of strongly �-regular general rings 7 rings satisfying ur-stable range 7hestimating generalized state density of near-extreme events and its applications in analyzing stock data 7[complete periodic synchronization of delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations 7�fۏ�_�approximate expressions of the bifurcating periodic solutions in a neuron model with delay-dependent parameters by perturbation approach 7sci  71gwmf 7_ braided lie structures of algebras in the categories of weak hopf bimodulestures of bialgebras 7 sci 7?constructing new braided $t$-categories over weak hopf algebras 7t stability analysis for stochastic bam neural networks with distributed time delays. 7zadaptive synchronization of chaotic cohen-crossberg neural networks with mixed time delays 7qdynamics of competitive neural networks with inverse lipschitz neuron activations 7wmeasure method and its application of knowledge representation based on knowledge mesh  7yrepresentation of freholm spectra and convexity of toeplitz operators on dirichlet spaces 7lstochastic averaging on infinite time interval for a class of nonlinear systems with stochastic perturbation 7ga compact difference scheme for the fractional diffusion-wave equation  7da unified synchronization criterion for impulsive dynamical networks 70asymptotic bound on binary self-orthogonal codes 7kboundary blow-up solutions for a cooperative system of quasilinear equation 7co-*(n)-modules 7  7\continuous-time stochastic averaging on the infinite interval for locally lipschitz systems  7`darboux transformation of the special (2 1)-dimensional toda lattice and its explicit solution 7�fۏ�_ (��o\o�) 7nerror estimate of fourth-order compact scheme for linear schrodinger equations 7 _�y�o 7xexistence and multiplicity of homoclinic orbits for the second order hamiltonian systems 7]existence and multiplicity of solutions for asymptotically hamiltonian elliptic systems in rn 7uexistence of homoclinic orbits for hamiltonian systems with superquadratic potentials 7uexponential stability analysis for delayed stochastic cohen-grossberg neural network  7dk�e�z�n$n*n\o� 7qfinite-gap solutions of 2 1 dimensional integrable nonlinear evolution equations generated by the neumann systems 7lgevrey-smoothness of invariant tori for analytic reversible systems under russmann's nondegeneracy condition 7whomoclinic orbits for superlinear hamiltonian systemshamiltonian system without ambrosetti-rabinowitz growth condition 7 a.van daele 7dlarson-sweedler theorem and some properties of discrete type in (g-cograded)multiplier hopf algebras 7e�2006t^ 7hmaximum norm error estimates of the crank-nicolson scheme for solving a linear moving boundary problem 7 morphic properties of extensions of rings  7 tsung-fang wu 7`on passivity and passification of stochastic fuzzy systems with delays: the discrete-time case  73on superconnectivity of (4,g)-cages with even girth 7\on the l1 convergence of a difference scheme for coupled nonlinear schr�dinger equations,  7srobust h-infinity control and uniformly bounded control for genetic regulatory network with stochastic disturbance  7jrobust passivity and passification of stochastic fuzzy time-delay systems  79solutions of non-periodic super-quadratic dirac equations 7esome necessary and sufficient conditions for second-order consensus in multi-agent dynamical systems  7{stability analysis for stochastic neural networks of neutral type with both markovian jump parameters and mixed time delays 7vthe blow-up rate and uniqueness of large solution for a porous media logistic equation 7sthe existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for a kind of duffing-type equation with two deviating arguments 7straveling wave front in diffusive and competitive lotka_volterra system with delays 7��f� 7�^�s 7 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