山本昌宏教授简介:1958年出生,现任东京大学数学科学学院教授,东南大学客座教授;在科学计算、最优控制、工业数学、介质成像等领域取得了重要的学术成就,和欧洲、亚洲等国的科学家有广泛的合作,在国际学术界具有重要的影响。山本昌宏教授现担任12个国际学术杂志的编委,其中包括4个知名的sci期刊 “inverse problems”、“applicable analysis”、“inverse problems in science and engineering”、 “computer mathematics and its applications”;此外还担任4个国际学术组织的领导,包括“国际分析、应用和计算协会(isaac)”副主席和“国际反问题学会(iaip)”副主席。目前为止已发表了近200篇高水平的学术论文,2007-2009年应邀在9个国际学术会议上作特邀报告。 报告简介: i have been applying the mathematics for solving various problems in the steel industry for more effective and secure operations of plants, and several techniques proposed by me and my colleagues have been already transferred to the real use. i present several problems coming actually from the industry and discuss the mathematical methods. there are always deep mathematics behind but for understanding, one needs only basic college mathematics such as calculus and linear algebra. |
东南大学数学系 |