

报告题目: 一种基于市场证券价格的可转换证券定价法
报 告 人: 朱幼兰 教授
报告时间: 11月16日下午2时
报告地点: 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅
相关介绍: abstract
as we know, the bond prices issued by companies with different credit ratings
should be different, which means that for interest rate derivative securities, the
credit rating of the company is an inportant factor. how do we consider this
factor when we price the convertible bonds? from the market, we can obtain the
zero-coupon bond curve for companies with a certain credit rating, for example,
aaa, aa. etc. based on these data, we can determine the market price of risk
for the short interest rate for companies with this credit rating. after the market
price of risk is found, we can price a convertible bond issued by a conpany with
this credit rating through solving partial differntial equation. in this way we
can reasonably take the credit rating of the company into account when we price
convertible bonds.