

报告题目: 香港中文大学数学系人才培养和青年教师科学研究问题
报 告 人: prof. jun zou
报告时间: 2010年08月31日下午2:00-4:00
报告地点: 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅
相关介绍:   this talk contains two parts.  in the first part, prof. jun zou will introduce the education system on mathematics in the chinese university of hong kong  for younger students and researchers, from the points of views of scientific computing. then he will focus on some advanced computational techniques based on the   multigrid and domain decomposition methods with some applications in inverse problems.
  introduction to the speaker: jun zou is a professor in department of mathematics of the chinese university of hong kong . before taking up his current position in hong kong, he had worked two years (93-95) in university of california at los angeles (usa) as a post-doctoral fellow and a cam assistant professor , worked two and a half years (91-93) in technical university of munich as a visiting assistant professor and an alexander von humboldt research fellow (germany), and worked two years (89-91) in chinese academy of sciences (beijing) as an assistant professor. his research interests include:numerical solutions of electromagnetic maxwell systems, numerical solutions of interface problems. ill-posed problems, inverse problems. preconditioned iterative methods, domain decomposition methods.