报告题目: | transforms, minors and generalised tutte polynomials |
报 告 人: | graham farr |
monash university,clayton school of information technology | |
报告时间: | 5月14日(周一)下午14:00-15:00 |
报告地点: | 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅 |
相关介绍: | 报告人简介:his research interests are in the theory of graphs and related combinatorial objects such as matroids. he is especially interested in enumeration problems on graphs, including the tutte-whitney polynomials, chromatic polynomial, stability polynomial and related graph polynomials. he is also very interested in graph colouring problems of many kinds. he has been at monash university since 1994, and did his doctorate at oxford, finishing there in 1986. abstract: we introduce a family of transforms that extends graph- and matroid-theoretic duality, and includes trinities and so on. associated with each such transform are $\lambda$-minor operations, which extend deletion and contraction in graphs. we establish how the transforms interact with our generalised minors, extending the classical matroid-theoretic relationship between duality and minors: $(m/e)^*=m^*\setminus e$. we also introduce some generalised tutte-whitney polynomials based on these minor operations. |