extremal digraphs whose walks with the same initial and terminal vertices have distinct lengths-意昂体育
报告题目: | extremal digraphs whose walks with the same initial and terminal vertices have distinct lengths |
报 告 人: | 詹兴致教授 博士生导师 |
| 华东师范大学数学系 |
报告时间: | 2012年4月16日(周一) 14:30-15:30 |
报告地点: | 九龙湖校区数学系第一报告厅 |
相关介绍: | let d be a digraph of order n in which any two walks with the same initial vertex and the same terminal vertex have distinct lengths. we prove that d has at most (n 1)^2/4 arcs if n is odd and n(n 2)/4 arcs if n is even. the digraphs attaining this maximum size are determined. the results have equivalent versions for 0-1 matrices.